Archive of VCF

9/11 Heroes Bills Sponsored by Senator Andrew Gounardes Signed into Law

Four 9/11 Heroes Bills sponsored by Senator Gounardes were signed into law on September 11, 2019.

‘Tomorrow that number could rise’: 241 NYPD officers have died from 9/11-related illnesses

An NYPD spokesperson confirmed that there have been 10 times the number of deaths of NYPD officers from illnesses related to the Sept. 11, 2001 terror attacks than those who lost their lives on the day the towers fell…

The wound that won’t heal

Why thousands of New Yorkers might be 9/11 victims – and not even know it.

How 9/11 survivors can get help

It’s not too late to apply for compensation for health care costs.

Lawmakers must protect Sept. 11 first responders

Before the sun set on Sept. 11, 2001, this nation vowed to never allow the memories of that day’s terrorist attacks to dissipate from our collective conscious.

The ongoing tragedy of Sept. 11

Sept. 11, 2001, will always be recognized as a day of tribulation in the United States.

Stories From Main Street: Health Clinic Treats New 9/11 Victims, 18 Years Later

Nearly two decades after the Sept. 11, 2001 terror attacks, the death toll continues to rise and the story continues to unfold.

Another 9/11 rescue: Congress’ job is not done yet

In July, the Republican Senate, the Democratic House and President Trump nobly stood up for the financial needs of ailing heroes and victims of the World Trade Center attack.

VCF Program Statistics

As of August 31, 2019, the VCF has found 24,907 claimants eligible for compensation.

241 NYPD officers have died from 9/11 illnesses, 10 times the number killed in World Trade Center attack

More than ten times the number of NYPD police officers have died in the 18 years since 9/11 as were killed in the terror attack on the World Trade Center itself, officials said.