Archive of VCF

NYC schools begin contacting 9/11 survivors about health risks

Students and teachers near ground zero were exposed to toxins.

Single-mom with cancer ‘could go tomorrow,’ but fighting due to 9/11 fund

When the first tower was struck, “we felt the turbulence — we had no idea what happened.”

DOE Searching For All Students At Lower Manhattan Schools Affected By 9/11

Eighteen years after the Sept. 11, 2001 terror attacks, a new outreach is underway with the target being students from schools in lower Manhattan.

Former New York City students, staff eligible for 9/11 Victim Compensation Fund

Officials are encouraging more than 20,000 current and former students and educators at New York City public schools to apply for health care through the September 11th Victim Compensation Fund…

Thousands of Former NYC Students, Teachers Near World Trade Center After 9/11 Warned of Potential Health Problems

The DOE said they will be sending letters to 19,000 former students enrolled at schools south of Houston Street

DOE Alerting Students Who Survived 9/11 Attacks About Available Health Benefits, Compensation

The New York City Department of Education is reaching out to support the students of 9/11.

Thousands of former New York students and teachers may be eligible for health care through 9/11 victim fund

New York city education officials are notifying thousands of former students, staff and teachers that they might be eligible for free health care through the 9/11 Victim Compensation Fund…

DOE to contact 19,000 former 9/11 students about free medical care

City education officials are attempting to contact all 19,000 former students who attended public schools near Ground Zero on 9/11 to let them know they could be eligible for free medical care.

UFT Gets DOE’s Help in Outreach To Pupils, Staff Exposed to 9/11 Toxins

Most Not Part of WTC Health Program