Archive of VCF

Victim Compensation Fund Deadline Approaches For Those Injured, Made Ill By 9/11 Attacks

People who were injured or became ill as a result of the September 11th terror attacks are being urged to register for the Victims Compensation Fund before the deadline on October 3.

25,000 register for Sept. 11 victim fund so far

More than 25,000 responders and survivors have registered with the September 11th Victim Compensation Fund — 7,000 just in the past two months.

Deadline To Register For 9/11 Victim Compensation Fund Fast Approaching

Lawmakers Urge Anyone Who May Be Eligible To Register By Oct. 3

1,140 WTC 9/11 responders have cancer — and doctors say that number will grow

‘Sadly enough, I am here just two months, and I have identified a dozen new cancer cases, and I have another 25 patients whose diagnostic test results are pending,’ says Tina Engel, an oncology nurse in Queens, NY.

9/11 Responders Far From NYC Seek Compensation

They weren’t exposed to anywhere near the same level of ash, grit and fumes, but emergency workers who rushed to the Pentagon and the Pennsylvania countryside on 9/11 are signing up…

Sick and Injured 9/11 Responders and Survivors Have Fewer Than 30 Days Left to Register for Sept. 11th Victim Compensation Fund

Sick and Injured 9/11 Responders and Survivors Have Fewer Than 30 Days Left to Register for Sept. 11th Victim Compensation Fund For Immediate Release from 911 Health WatchSeptember 4th, 2013Press contact: Benjamin Chevat (646) With fewer than 30 days left for most injured and ill 9/11 responders and survivors to register with the September […]

The help you deserve

9/11 victims and responders should apply for compensation now

Deadline nearing for workers sickened by 9/11 work to apply for help

People who went to New York City to help after the Sept. 11 attacks and became sick as a result have only a short time left to sign up for aid, officials say.

City, feds, advocates work to warn WTC workers nationwide of looming signup deadline for aid

Many out-of-town Ground Zero responders learn about help on their own

September 11th, Victim Compensation Fund Informational Forums to be held on Wednesday August 21 in Manhattan and Staten Island

There are two Informational Forums on the “September 11th, Victim Compensation Fund” that will be held on August 21st. One with Special Master Sheila Birnbaum and Rep. Michael Grimm on Staten Island and the other a free clinic presented by the New York City Bar Justice Center in Manhattan. With the October 3rd deadline approaching […]