Archive of VCF

Message from Special Master Rupa Bhattacharyya

As a team, the September 11th Victim Compensation Fund (“VCF”) remains committed to awarding compensation as quickly and fairly as possible, and to handling each claim with the individual attention it deserves.

9/11 victims fund awards $4B amid ‘increasing numbers and types of illnesses’

The terror attacks of Sept. 11 are still taking a toll nearly 17 years later.

Pols: ‘Outrageous’ scam targets Sept. 11 first responders, survivors

Congressional representatives including Peter King (R-Seaford) urge Federal Trade Commission to investigate “despicable” scam.

NY representatives call on FTC to investigate reports of 9/11 victim compensation scam

Three New York congressional representatives are asking the Federal Trade Commission to investigate reports that scammers are posing as Sept. 11 Victim Compensation Fund staffers…

Scammers target Sept. 11th Victim Compensation Fund

Consumers are reporting a new imposter scam — this time the callers are pretending to be with the September 11th Victim Compensation Fund (VCF).

Grads of Schools Near Ground Zero: We Got Cancer From 9/11 Debris

The students at several schools around ground zero said they are now filing claims with the federal government to receive assistance from the 9/11 Victim Compensation Fund

Watch Rupa Bhattacharyya, VCF Special Master

Were you a first responder to the World Trade Center, the Pentagon or the Shanksville crash site? Or, did you or someone you know live or work in Lower Manhattan on and after 9/11? If so, and you have a 9/11-related illness or injury, you may qualify for compensation from the September 11th Victim Compensation […]

What is the status of the 9/11 Victim Compensation Fund?

The program to date has paid out over $3.1 billion covering more than 14,000 compensation determinations; Laura Ingle takes a closer look for ‘Special Report.’

Leaders of 9/11 fund call on ill survivors of terrorist attacks to apply for benefits

Officials in charge of the federal 9/11 Victim Compensation Fund urged people sickened by the terrorist attacks to apply for benefits.

9/11 Victim Compensation Fund has paid out more than $3B this year

Payouts by the 9/11 Victim Compensation Fund topped the $3 billion mark this year, surpassing the total originally approved by Congress to help ailing first responders.