Archive of VCF

A 9/11 Fund Compensating Sick Victims Is Running Out of Money

The $7 billion 9/11 Victims Compensation Fund is running out of money, its administrator said Wednesday.

Maloney seeks permanent compensation for 9/11 victims

The funds for victim compensation may run out before 2020.

A Fund For The Victims Of 9/11 Says It’s Running Out Of Money

A government program put in place to compensate victims and first responders suffering from debilitating conditions linked to the 9/11…

9/11 victims fund may go from $7.3B to zero by 2020

A fund that had more than $7 billion earmarked to help survivors and families affected by the Sept. 11 terror attacks might be empty within the next two years.

Statement from 911 Health Watch on “Notice of Inquiry” Regarding the Potential of Cuts to Compensation for those Injured by 9/11

911 Health Watch wants to thank the Special Master of the September 11th Victim Compensation Fund (VCF), Rupa Bhattacharyya, the Department of Justice and Attorney General Sessions for today’s publication in the Federal Register of the VCF’s “Notice of Inquiry” regarding the potential shortfall of funds for the VCF and asking for comment on possible […]

With 9/11 Victim Compensation Fund Set to Expire In 2020, Reps. Maloney, Nadler, & King and Sens. Schumer & Gillibrand Urge Congress to Stand Up For 9/11 Heroes; Cosponsor Upcoming Legislation to Permanently Reauthorize and Fund VCF

Our 9/11 Heroes Answered the Call When We Were Attacked, & Now Congress Needs to Extend The Program to Support Them & Their Families, Permanently.

9/11 Victims Compensation Fund is running low, but cutting benefits is not the answer

The head of the September 11th Victims Compensation Fund just verified what so many have feared: The catastrophic human cost from 9/11 could outlast the money set aside…

With 9/11 Victim Compensation Fund Set To Expire In 2020, Senators Schumer, Gillibrand & U.S. Reps Maloney, Nadler, & King Urge Congress To Stand Up For 9/11 Heroes; Cosponsor Upcoming Legislation To Permanently Reauthorize And Fund VCF

Our 9/11 Heroes Answered The Call When We Were Attacked, & Now Congress Needs To Extend The Program To Support Them & Their Families, Permanently

EXCLUSIVE: Federal 9/11 Victims Compensation Fund won’t have enough money to help all survivors sickened at Ground Zero

The $7.3 billion dedicated to 9/11 survivors sickened by the toxic dust swirling around Ground Zero may not be enough to help everyone getting sick…