Archive of VCF

Payments To Victims Of 9/11 Cut In Half As Number of Compenstation Claims See Large Increase

Future payments to victims of the September 11th terrorist attacks will see a decrease in the amount of awards after a large increase in claims.

911 for the 9/11 fund: The federal victim compensation program is running out of money, putting thousands of heroes’ claims at risk

Under the law setting up the federal 9/11 Victim Compensation Fund, Special Master Rupa Bhattacharyya is required to carefully husband the $7.375 billion that Congress allocated for those sickened and killed…

Sept. 11 Victim Compensation Fund Cuts Payouts By As Much As 70 Percent

The September 11th Victim Compensation Fund is cutting its payouts in half for some and by as much as 70 percent for others, as the fund faces a surge in claims ahead of its expiration date in December 2020.

911 Health Statement on Cuts to Compensation For Those Injured by 9/11 Due to Lack of Funding

STATEMENT FROM 911 HEALTH WATCH ON the VCF’s determination of Insufficiencny and the cuts in Compensation that are being imposed FOR THOSE INJURED BY 9/11 DUE TO LACK OF FUNDING February 15th, 2019 Today’s announcement from the September 11th Victim Compensation Fund Special Master, that there will be severe cuts to the pending compensation awards for injuries caused […]

9/11 Victims Compensation Fund forced to cut benefits as Congress dawdles

The September 11th Victims Compensation Fund is now short of money — a sad inevitability.

‘We recognize this is horribly unfair.’ 9/11 victim fund will cut payouts by up to 70% as claims surge

The September 11th Victim Compensation Fund plans to cut future payouts in half — and in some cases by as much as 70 percent — as it struggles with a surge of new claims from those who have gotten sick…

NYC first responder: Congress must replenish 9/11 Victim Compensation Fund

Like everyone in the 9/11 community, I anxiously awaited Friday’s announcement of the new policies and deep financial cuts to current and future claims to the Victim Compensation Fund.

New York 9/11 survivors stunned by decision to slash compensation fund

New Yorkers who survived 9/11 only to be sickened by the toxic dust swirling around Ground Zero were stunned to learn Friday that the federal government will be cutting compensation payouts as much as 70%…

9/11 fund running out of money for those with illnesses

The compensation fund for victims of 9/11 is running out of money and will cut future payments by 50 to 70 percent, officials announced Friday.

9/11 fund running out of money for those with illnesses

The compensation fund for victims of 9/11 is running out of money and will cut future payments by 50 to 70 percent, officials announced Friday.