Archive of VCF

9/11 victims affected by new compensation plan take to DC

Victims of 9/11 and their advocates will head to Washington on Monday to demand reversal of a shocking new announcement that future victims’ compensation payments will be slashed as much as 70 percent.

9/11 first responders’ benefits to be slashed as fund runs out of money

Retired NYPD Sgt. Andrew Nelson knows that come 9/11, politicians will “wrap themselves up in the flag and say never forget.”

What’s mere money when 9/11 heroes gave their lives and their health? (commentary)

This is what we mean when we say “never forget.”

‘We’re in hospitals every day’: Nearly half of FDNY first responders have a WTC sickness

Nearly half of the 15,000 FDNY firefighters, officers and medics who were working on 9/11 — and survived — have gotten sick from their exposure to the toxins that swirled around the World Trade center site, union officials said Friday.

New Yorkers Set To March On Washington To Fight For 9/11 Victim Compensation Fund

The fight for the 9/11 Victim Compensation Fund is heating up, with hundreds of New Yorkers ready to march on Capitol Hill on Monday.

‘It’s just not right’: Utah firefighters sickened after 9/11 worried funds are running out

A federal compensation fund to help first responders who got ill after going to Ground Zero during 9/11 is in danger of running out of money.

9/11 victims fund running out of money

It’s been almost 18 years since the tragic events of September 11th, but thousands of New Yorkers are still living with effects from that day.

Rise in WTC-Related Claims to Force VCF to Reduce Payouts at Least 50%

State AFL-CIO Urges Congress to Act

Jon Stewart Heading To Fox News Channel In Support Of 9/11 First Responders

Jon Stewart will sit down with Fox News Channel’s America’s Newsroom on Monday to support 9/11 first responders and survivors.

Governor Cuomo Issues Open Letter Calling on Congress to Increase Funding for 9/11 Victims

Governor Cuomo: “I call on you to immediately take action to ensure full funding is available for all who need it. The American spirit is about taking care of those who answered the call, and it is our responsibility…”