Archive of VCF
9/11 first responders face another health challenge in COVID-19
Arthur Lacker spent two-and-a-half years hauling debris from the World Trade Center site after 9/11, breathing in the toxic dust that would sicken tens of thousands of first responders.
Robert Papik, Who Sacrificed His Health to Feed First Responders After 9/11, Dies of Coronavirus
Robert Papik was working for a catering company when the planes struck the Twin Towers on 9/11.
Fire Department Battalion Chief Al Petrocelli Jr. reflected on the differences in the losses of his little brother on 9/11, and of his father to coronavirus on April 1.
A New York City firefighter who helped recover his brother’s body from Ground Zero has died from 9/11-related cancer
A New York City firefighter who helped recover his brother’s body after 9/11 died on Saturday from pancreatic cancer caused by his rescue efforts at Ground Zero.
Firefighter whose FDNY brother died on 9/11 dies from related illness
A retired FDNY firefighter, whose older brother died when they both responded to the 9/11 terrorist attacks, passed away Saturday from an illness related to the tragedy, the FDNY said.
People with 9/11-related illnesses can reapply for assistance
Thousands of sick people or family members of those who died of 9/11-related illnesses and missed the deadline to qualify for aid from the Sept. 11 Victims Compensation Fund will get extra time to reapply…
NYPD Detective Who Fought for 9/11 First Responder’s Benefits Dies From Suicide
The detective vigorously fought to get necessary funding for an NYPD officer who was sick as a result of his time at Ground Zero on 9/11, and later talked with NBC New York about his tireless work.
Former first responders look for help as they continue to feel health impacts of 9/11
The terrorist attacks on Sept. 11, 2001, happened more than 18 years ago, but the death toll continues to grow this day.
FDNY Commissioner’s widow to seek 9/11 victims compensation funds
The widow of retired FDNY Commissioner Nicholas Scoppetta says the longtime public servant died of 9/11-related cancer, and plans to make a claim to the Victims Compensation Fund, according to court papers.
In Boynton, NYPD retirees urged to make use of 9/11 health, compensation programs
About 400 former New York City police convened Thursday in Boynton.