Archive of VCF

9/11 responders came from all over to help, so all in Congress must back renewed aid

The 9/11 Victims Compensation Fund is running out of time.

Feds cut funds for 9/11 responders. NJ Rep wants the money back

Congressman Josh Gottheimer on Monday stood with first-responders and victims of 9/11 to demand that full benefits of the 9/11 Victim’s Compensation Fund be restored and extended.

First responders call for permanent financing for 9/11 compensation fund

First responders who assisted at Ground Zero after the Sept. 11 terror attacks are calling for permanent financing for the Victims Compensation Fund.

Jon Stewart sticks by praise for Trump administration’s handling of 9/11 fund

Jon Stewart, no fan of President Trump, on Sunday stuck by his praise for the Trump administration’s handling of the cash-strapped program that aids ill and dying 9/11 responders.

The health requirements of 10 thousand victims or a border wall? Why is this a hard economic choice?

The WTC victims compensation fund has come up short by about $5 billion, why is that number so familiar?

Giving 9/11 First Responders The Health Care They Need

Illnesses connected to the rubble at ground zero are soaring.

Duty vs. dereliction: Tom Cotton does the right thing for 9/11 heroes; Mark Meadows gives voice to selfishness

As urgency builds to make permanent and fully fund the 9/11 Victim Compensation Fund, callow and courageous lawmakers are making their positions known.

Editorial: 9/11 first responders deserve our full support

Jon Stewart has been an advocate and truth-teller for the Sept. 11 first responders who are suffering from cancer and respiratory ailments from inhaling toxic dust at Ground Zero.

Congress must fully fund program for 9/11 victims

The Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks on America’s mainland claimed 2,996 lives, including those of the 19 hijackers of the four commercial jetliners used as weapons of mass destruction. In addition, 6,000 people were injured.

With Ground Zero Payments Slashed, a Push to Replenish a 9/11 Fund

It has been more than 17 years since the World Trade Center collapsed in the terrorist attack of Sept. 11, and since 2011, a rededicated fund has compensated emergency personnel and others who responded to the scene…