Archive of VCF

Jon Stewart just reminded us how outrage is supposed to work

Jon Stewart returned to TV today just as we left him: sitting behind a desk, anxiously clicking his pen as he carefully crafted an argument and called for justice.

Jon Stewart demands Congress support 9/11 compensation fund

The fund for the 9/11 responders who were sickened by the toxic debris is running out of money and future payouts are set to be cut by as much as 70%.

Jon Stewart blasts Congress over 9/11 funding hearing: ‘Drove me nuts’ there were empty seats

Jon Stewart called on lawmakers to back up their words with actions on the 9/11 victims’ compensation fund and help American heroes who are still suffering today.

Jon Stewart chokes up, gives angry speech to Congress

Former late night host and 9/11 first responders advocate Jon Stewart chokes up and slams Congress over health care for the 9/11 first responders during the hearing for reauthorizing the 9/11 victim compensation fund.

Jon Stewart, first responders, give emotional testimony before Congress on 9/11 victim fund

Former “Daily Show” host Jon Stewart gave emotional testimony before a House panel on Tuesday as he called on Congress to reauthorize a fund that compensates victims of 9/11 and their families.

Maloney Statement After Congressional Hearing on September 11th Victim Compensation Fund

Today’s hearing and the testimony we heard all boils down to one point; 9/11 first responders and survivors were there for us then.

Jon Stewart lashes out at hearing on 9/11 responders bill: “You should be ashamed of yourselves”

Former “Daily Show” host Jon Stewart’s demeanor on Capitol Hill Tuesday was vastly different from the one his fans were accustomed to seeing on Comedy Central.

New York congressmembers and FDNY make announcement on 9/11 victim’s fund

New York Congressional delegation, including Jerry Nadler, and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, along with representatives of the FDNY Firefighters association will give a “major” announcement about the 9/11 victim compensation fund Sunday.

Rep. King: ‘Absolutely essential’ that victims’ fund for 9/11 toxins is passed

Congressional leaders and FDNY firefighters gathered for a rally in Manhattan Sunday to help first responders who are dealing with 9/11-related illnesses and cancers.

Officials urge passage of 9/11 Victims Compensation Fund extension: ‘Time for America to respond to the call’

Their heroism on 9/11 should not be forgotten.