Archive of VCF

9/11 First Responders On Tuesday’s Access Utah

USA Today reports, “The firefighters, police officers and other emergency personnel who risked their lives answering the call on Sept.11, 2001, may finally be getting the rescue they’ve been demanding.

Senate passes $10B 9/11 Victim Compensation Fund, 97 to 2, only Rand Paul and Mike Lee voted against it

Congress can never do anything about the growing numbers of people still dying from 9/11, but the Senate voted Tuesday to ensure the words “Never Forget” will never be just a slogan…

The Senate steps up: Now it only takes President Trump’s signature to fund the 9/11 Victim Compensation Fund permanently

The people of Kentucky and Utah should be proud that they have senators representing them in Washington who upheld the honor of their states.

Stand up for America: The Senate must support the heroes of 9/11

No, No, Yes. That is how 100 senators must vote Tuesday to keep open and fully finance the 9/11 Victim Compensation Fund for the victims and heroes of the World Trade Center suffering horrendous health problems…

343 NYC firefighters died on 9/11. Since then, 200 have died from Ground Zero-related illnesses

The 200th New York City firefighter has died from ailments stemming from working at the toxic World Trade Center site in the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks, according to city officials.

Bagley Cartoon: Flim-Flam

This Pat Bagley cartoon appears in The Salt Lake Tribune on Friday, July 19, 2019.

9/11 Responders Bristle At Utah Senator Mike Lee’s Moves On Compensation Bill

Senator Mike Lee made national headlines this week for his role in delaying a vote on compensation for 9/11 first responders.

Rand Paul stymies Senate vote on 9/11 victim fund bill

Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand sought to have the September 11th Victim Compensation Fund passed by unanimous consent on the Senate floor Wednesday, but Republican Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky blocked it over cost concerns.

Rand Paul stops unanimous passage of 9/11 first responders funding bill

Republican Sen. Rand Paul objected Wednesday to an attempt to pass the bill funding 9/11 first responders’ health care unanimously, arguing that passing such a long-term bill without offsetting the cost would contribute to the national debt.

Local firefighters dealing with 9/11 health problems ask Congress to fund bill

The 9/11 victim’s compensation fund has been a hot topic in Congress this week after the bipartisan legislation was temporarily delayed, in part due to Utah Sen. Mike Lee.