Archive of VCF

Message from Special Master Rupa Bhattacharyya

Today’s program statistics report for the September 11th Victim Compensation Fund (“VCF”) reflects steady progress: as of August 31, 2019, we have made awards to 23,850 individuals…

18 years later: A guide to resources available for Sept. 11 victims, families

To help those still struggling 18 years after the terrorist attacks on Sept. 11, 2001, resources, services, assistance programs and academic scholarships continue to be available to victims and their families.

Park on Long Island to be named after Luis Alvarez, NYPD detective who died of 9/11-related cancer

A park on Long Island will be named after a retired NYPD detective who died of cancer related to his work at ground zero and fought in Washington for continued benefits for other 9/11 responders.

Executive Profile: Dr. Jacqueline Moline

Dr. Jacqueline Moline says it was a “tremendous relief” when the 9/11 victims’ compensation fund was signed into law so that the fund never run out of money.

Retired NYPD investigator reflects on 9/11 compensation fund signing

Over the past several months, in between chemotherapy appointments, Dennis Murphy would call senators and congressional representatives and drive to Washington and knock on their doors…

New Wave Of 9/11 Illnesses Emerging

The signing of the bill renewing the 9/11 Victim Compensation Fund means financial support for those stricken with World Trade Center-related illnesses, and there are more of these patients every day.

Not A Single Democrat Attended The 9/11 Bill Signing. Now They Claim They Weren’t Invited

Not a single Democratic member of Congress attended Monday’s ceremonial bill signing for 9/11 victim relief legislation, according to a senior White House official, and some lawmakers claim it’s because they were never invited.

National compassion for 9/11 first responders

Each claim represents a story, a family and a reverberation from the attacks.

Fact-Checking Trump’s Claim He ‘Spent a Lot of Time’ With 9/11 Responders

The president repeated claims about his presence at ground zero during the signing ceremony for legislation to ensure health care funding for emergency workers who rushed to help.

Help for the heroes: President Trump finishes the job for 9/11 heroes and victims

It is done: At 10:25 Monday morning in the Rose Garden, President Trump signed the bill, then handed the thick felt pen to tireless 9/11 advocate John Feal.