MD Anderson Cancer Center Of Texas Had Refused To Participate In World Trade Center Health Program Until 911 Health Watch Shamed Them

911 Health Watch had learned that MD Anderson Cancer Care of Texas was refusing to be part of the World Trade Center Health Program since it was demanding a reimbursement that is more than any of the nationally recognized cancer care centers such as Moffitt Cancer Care Center, Roswell Park Cancer Center, Memorial Sloan Kettering and even MD Anderson of Florida, who all accept the programs rates.

The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center is a comprehensive cancer center in Houston, Texas and is currently providing services to 36 9/11 responders and survivors with cancer in Texas.

Because MD Anderson Texas will not accept the rates that all the other cancer centers in the country have accepted, the WTC Health Program cannot continue to have its members treated there and will have to find other providers.

As we did with Westchester Medical Center when it attempted to with draw from the WTC Health Program Network, 911 Health Watch Inc., wrote on June 10th, 2024, to Dr. Peter Pisters, M.D., President of the MD Anderson Cancer Center, urging him to reverse their policy and accept the same reimbursement rate that other comprehensive cancer centers have accepted and join the WTC Health Program Network.

On June 13, 2024, MD Anderson responded to the growing outcry about their refusal to be in the WTC Health Program Network and provide care to 9/11 responders and survivors with cancer in Texas with the following statement on X.

Based on recent media coverage, we want to share information regarding MD Anderson’s care of 9/11 heroes and survivors. MD Anderson continues to care for these patients, and there has been no change to the institution’s approach. We are working to understand why the Centers for Disease Control sent these letters to our patients enrolled in the World Trade Center Health Program Network. Since 2012, MD Anderson cared for patients in this program.

@MDAndersonNews on X, 11:02 AM, Jun 13, 2024

911 Health Watch immediately responded.

@MDAndersonNews did u read @911HealthWatch letter?

Why not in @WTCHealthPrgm network as @MSKCancerCenter @MoffittNews @RoswellPark & MDAndersonFl? Why insist on single case agreements? Why demand paid more than other cancer centers? Answer the questions!

@911HealthWatch on X, 2:15 PM, Jun 13, 2024

On June 14th, 2024, MD Anderson Cancer Care of Texas finally acknowledged it was denying access to care for 9/11 responders and survivors and decided to join the WTC Health Program and accept its reimbursement.

Below is their statement on X.

MD Anderson remains committed to caring for our 9/11 heroes and survivors. Based on new understanding of policy changes made in fall 2023 by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, we contacted the program’s administrator and MD Anderson now is a participating provider in the World Trade Center Health Program Network.

@MDAndersonNews on X, 3:53 PM, Jun 14, 2024

And here is 911 Health Watch’s response on X.

@911HealthWatch is relieved that @MDAndersonNews has figured out that they should be providing Texas 911 responders, survivors the cancer care they need. Should not have taken week of shaming. We also want to thank @bcmhouston for reaching out to join the @WTCHealthPrgm network.

@911HealthWatch on X, 8:01 PM, Jun 14, 2024

It appears that after a week of public shaming MD Anderson Cancer Care of Texas has realized their mistake and will now be providing cancer care to those that need it among the over 500 Texans in the program as well as those that travel to Texas.

While that is good news, there is some additional good news from this. 911 Health Watch Inc. was contacted by the Director of the Dan L Duncan Comprehensive Cancer Center of the Baylor College of Medicine in Houston and they want to join the World Trade Center Health Program Network to not only provide Cancer Care but to provide other services as well.


911 Health Watch letter to President Pisters of MD Anderson Texas, June10, 2024


MD Anderson accused of cutting off sick 9/11 responders
Modern Health, June 12, 2024

The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center is disrupting care for three dozen patients sickened while responding to the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attack over a payment dispute, the advocacy organization 911 Health Watch alleges.

The renowned Houston-based oncology provider would not comment on these claims but insists it stands ready to treat the 9/11 survivors. Yet 911 Health Watch maintains MD Anderson will not accept reimbursements established under the federal World Trade Center Health Program,……

MD Anderson to join program for 9/11 responders after controversy
Modern Health, June 14th

One of the nation’s premier cancer centers said it is joining the network of providers that treat people who were sickened by exposure to the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attack.

University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center had been locked in a dispute over how it should be paid by the World Trade Center Health Program, according to the advocacy organization 911 Health Watch.

MD Anderson joins 9/11 support initiative amid controversy
Becker’s Health IT | June 17, 2024

On June 14, University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center took to X to release another statement, saying it would participate in the World Trade Center Health Program Network.


If you are a 911 responder or survivor in the World Trade Center Health Program getting cancer care from MD Anderson in Texas please contact 911 Health Watch by going to our web respond portal and we will get back to you so we can make sure you are getting the care you should be receiving.

Here is our 911 Health Watch Contact Us Portal.

Last updated: August 22, 2024