9/11 Health Update, City Council Hearing Monday June 17th on Cancer Rates, has New Start Time, Noon.

The start time for the Joint Hearing of the Civil Service & Labor and Lower Manhattan Redevelopment Committees: “Oversight: Are Cancer Rates Increasing in 9/11 Responders?” scheduled for Monday, June 17, 2013 at 250 Broadway 16th Floor Committee Room, has been moved up to now start at 12 Noon.

According to the City Council, “The Hearing will focus on a recent study from the National Institute of Environmental Health Science: “Cancer Incidence in World Trade Center Rescue and Recovery Workers, 2001-2008″ The hearing will also focus on the overall progress made on research as it relates to the incidence of cancer for those exposed to WTC toxins and the impact of the James Zadroga 9/11 Health & Compensation Act. The hearing is in part a follow up to multiple annual hearings held by these Committees on the Mayor’s Annual 9/11 Health Report.”

Ben Chevat
Executive Director
911 Health Watch