Archive of News

‘He was that guy’: Superhero NYPD cop who loved superheroes laid to rest after death from 9/11 illness

Sgt. Cornelius Douglas, 56, died June 24, several weeks after he was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer that doctors said was connected to his work at Ground Zero in the aftermath of the 2001 terrorist attack on the World Trade Center.

World Trade Center responders in their own words: predicting PTSD symptom trajectories with AI-based language analyses of interviews

This is the first study to demonstrate the value of AI in understanding PTSD in a vulnerable population.

Post-9/11 excess risk of thyroid cancer: Surveillance or exposure?

An excess risk of thyroid cancer has been reported in different World Trade Center (WTC)-dust exposed cohorts.

July deadline approaching for 9/11 Victims Compensation Fund claim registration

Time is running out for individuals and families of loved ones who have been previously diagnosed with an illness related to the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks to file a claim through the 9/11 Victim Compensation Fund.

The World Trade Center Health Program: Petitions for adding qualifying health conditions

Describes the methods developed for adding health conditions to the list of qualifying health conditions and discusses changes to the list that have occurred during the Program’s 2011-2020 period.

Mental health mediators of subjective cognitive concerns among World Trade Center responders

Responders are vulnerable to cognitive decline from exposure to airborne toxins present at the WTC site, as well as from WTC-related mental and physical health conditions.

Park renamed in honor of Detective Luis Alvarez who fought for 9/11 victims’ rights

Nassau County officials were joined Tuesday afternoon by the family of Detective Luis G. Alvarez and other NYPD officers for the unveiling.

PTSD is associated with accelerated transcriptional aging in World Trade Center responders

Emerging evidence suggests that methylation age may be accelerated in PTSD.

Mapping the transcriptomics landscape of post-traumatic stress disorder symptom dimensions in World Trade Center responders

The investigation focused on differential expression (DE) at the gene, isoform, and for the first time, alternative splicing (AS) levels associated with the symptoms of PTSD

Street named for Sgt. Leif Eikeseth, who succumbed to 9/11-related illness

Eikeseth lost his battle with cancer in 2019, when he was just 62.