Archive of News
Victim-Comp Deadline for Some 9/11 Responders and Survivors
Registration preserves the right to file a claim in the future, waives no legal rights, and does not obligate you to file a claim.
Federal agency that oversees 9/11 health program warns law firms not to engage in fraud
Numerous applications for those eligible for health care and compensation appear to have been filed without proper authorization or knowledge by the client.
Help for all of 9/11′s victims: Federal compensation fund deadline is closing; sign up
The door is closing in just a few days on anyone who has not registered for the VCF and were granted a two-year grace period.
Deadline approaching to register for 9/11 Victim Compensation Fund
Many of those suffering from health problems or with a loved one who died as a result of exposure to the toxins unleashed by the World Trade Center’s collapse have just days to register with the fund.
The Association of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder with longitudinal change in Glomerular Filtration Rate in World Trade Center responders
PTSD may be a novel risk factor for exaggerated longitudinal GFR change in young, healthy adults.
Hospitalizations among World Trade Center Health Registry Enrollees Who Were under 18 Years of Age on 9/11, 2001-2016
Much of the literature on hospitalizations post-September 11, 2001 (9/11) focuses on adults but little is known about post-9/11 hospitalizations among children.
Breast Cancer Characteristics in the Population of Survivors Participating in the World Trade Center Environmental Health Center Program 2002-2019
These findings suggest considerable differences in the breast cancer characteristics and distribution of breast cancer intrinsic subtypes in the WTC-exposed civilian population compared to that of the general population.
Key Deadline Looms for 9/11 Victims Compensation Fund
There is one week until a key deadline for the 9/11 Victims Compensation Fund.
Call for registration as 9/11 Victim Compensation Fund deadline looms
The cutoff to register for federal funding is July 29, which is the last day for those who have a September 11th-related illness that was certified prior to July 29, 2019.
Serum Th-2 cytokines and FEV1 decline in WTC-exposed firefighters: A 19-year longitudinal study
Drugs targeting the IL-4 pathway may improve lung function in this high-risk subgroup.