Archive of News

Maloney, Nadler Lead Dems in Urging House Leadership to Include World Trade Center Health Program Funding in Reconciliation Legislation

“The clock is ticking, and we cannot afford to abandon our responders and survivors during their time of need.”

The Toll of 9/11: 20 Years Later, First Responders Still Struggle with Health Effects

Twenty years after the attacks, the toll they’ve taken on the FBI is evident.

Dying 9/11 volunteer asks for one thing: a roller coaster ride

Malm had been adamant everyone in her group join her because she wanted to share the moment – a small gesture that represented so much of her life.

Dynamic Metabolic Risk Profiling of World Trade Center-Lung Disease: A Longitudinal Cohort Study

MetSyn and WTC-exposure contribute to the development of lung disease.

70% of FDNY Members in 9/11 Response Confirmed With Related Health Conditions: Report

According to the FDNY, 343 of its members died and nearly 16,000 members responded to the tragic events that day nearly two decades ago, as well as in the following 10 months.

2/3 of FDNY firefighters, EMTs who worked at WTC site have long-term illness: Report

Nearly 16,000 FDNY members were exposed to dust, particulates, noxious gases, chemicals, and fibers while working for more than 10 months in the rescue and recovery effort.

Rep. Maloney Calls on Governor Hochul to Designate World Trade Center Tower 5 Apartments 100% Affordable

“While I applaud the current plan to develop 5WTC as primarily a residential tower, there is a great community need for additional affordable housing.”

75% of FDNY who worked at Ground Zero acquired long-term illnesses: report

Of more than 15,200 firefighters, paramedics and other FDNY workers, more than 11,300 had an illness certified under the guidelines of the federally backed program.

The Mystery of 9/11 and Dementia

Many first responders are experiencing alarming cognitive decline. Is their time at Ground Zero to blame?

9/11 Victims Compensation Fund: Where does it stand?

Two years have now passed since comedian Jon Stewart gave the House Judiciary Committee a dressing down for their “callous indifference” towards the September 11 Victim Compensation Fund (VCF).