Archive of News
Former NYPD detective could soon find out whether 9/11 Victims’ Fund gets expanded to include rare kidney disease
When he later got sick, Volpe didn’t get cancer or any number of lung diseases like many ground zero first responders did. Instead, it was something much rarer.
Pay the debt: The 9/11 health program needs federal funds badly
While Congress rightly created a permanent WTC Health Program in 2015 after a long struggle, it is underfunded and will have to start rationing medical care for the heroes and survivors of 9/11.
9/11 World Trade Center Health Program has $3B looming deficit
If the Build Back Better legislation had passed, it would have forestalled the possibility that the program would have to start considering cuts or limiting access.
Legislature passes bill for 9/11 death benefits to Adirondack officer’s widow
He became the first documented environmental conservation officer in the state to have died from a 9/11-related illness.
Federal aid for 9/11 illness sufferers hits $10 billion mark
The U.S. Department of Justice confirmed that the federal September 11th Victim Compensation Fund had given out $10 billion in aid as of June 6.
The Impact of World Trade Center Related Medical Conditions on the Severity of COVID-19 Disease and Its Long-Term Sequelae
Increased COVID-19 illness severity and the presence of post-acute COVID-19 sequelae may be more common in WTC responders with chronic diseases.
Uterine cancer may soon be added to WTC Health Program
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has proposed adding uterine cancer — one of the only types not covered by the Health Program — to the list of WTC-related health conditions.
WTC Health Program on verge of covering uterine cancer, a victory for 9/11 responders and survivors
For the first time in nine years, the World Trade Center Health Program is adding to its list of health conditions.
Patients With Chronic Illnesses From WTC Exposures More Likely to Suffer “Long-Term” Covid
The researchers found that a number of existing chronic conditions appeared to predispose the patients to Covid-19-related severity, and/or were associated with long-term Covid sequelae.
My breast cancer and your survival: What anyone who was downtown on and after 9/11 needs to know
The doctor went down the list of common cancer-causing exposures. When she asked whether I’d ever lived and worked near the World Trade Center site, her face tightened when I said yes.