Archive of News

Veterans who worked as 9/11 first responders can’t access WTC health program due to technicality

Nate Coward didn’t ask questions when his company of the Army’s 3rd Infantry Regiment was called on to recover and bury the Pentagon’s dead.

Judge Recommends Rejecting Bid by Sept. 11 Families to Seize Frozen Afghan Funds

A federal judge said the Afghan central bank’s assets could not legally be used to pay off judgment debts owed by the Taliban to relatives of victims of the 2001 terrorist attacks.

World-Renowned Cancer Expert Shares Troubling Research on World Trade Center Exposure

New research suggests that workers who reported to the site were exposed to carcinogens that doubled their risk of developing myeloma, a type of cancer.

Congress called to fund medical program for 9/11 survivors

A medical program for survivors of the September 11 attacks is said to be “dangerously” close to running out of funding and advocates are sounding the alarm and asking congress to step in.

Do WTC Responders With Cognitive Impairment Show Signs of a New Form of Dementia?

According to the authors, this is the first study to examine white matter alterations using connectometry in a sample of WTC responders in mid-life (average age: 56) with and without concurrent PTSD.

Myeloma precursor disease (MGUS) among rescue and recovery workers exposed to the World Trade Center disaster

This study adds to mounting evidence supporting an association between WTC/environmental exposures and MGUS among rescue/recovery workers.

Old news clipping helps cancer patient prove he was at WTC on 9/11, collect benefits

“No one could have predicted 20 years later that we were going to need that proof to corroborate the story,” said Cullum’s lawyer.

DTI Connectometry Analysis Reveals White Matter Changes in Cognitively Impaired World Trade Center Responders at Midlife

Results from this study suggest that WTC responders with early-onset CI may be experiencing an early neurodegenerative process characterized by decreased FA in white matter tracts.

9/11 responders deadline approaching

The deadline is exactly one month away for 9/11 first responders to notify New York state about their work following the terrorist attack.

As city mulls releasing 9/11 documents related to toxic air, former Staten Island Sanitation worker urges transparency

“What if the city knew the air was unsafe to breathe?” he said. “I think people deserve to know that answer.”