Archive of News
Macon man who worked during 9/11 struggles to get therapist
The 9/11 health providers have not found a counselor for him, but he’s not the only one.
Sen. Schumer pushes weeklong extension to reach spending deal and avoid government shutdown
He warned lawmakers to be prepared to compromise on the bigger spending plan and also to be ready to act quickly to achieve the goal of passing a stopgap measure.
Family fights for change after Abington dad, husband dies of ground-zero-related illness
In 2001, his work sent him to ground zero. By the morning of Sept. 13, he was on the ground and working to secure environmental cleanup contracts for the area immediately surrounding the World Trade Center.
Exposure to World Trade Center Dust Exacerbates Cognitive Impairment and Evokes a Central and Peripheral Pro-Inflammatory Transcriptional Profile in an Animal Model of Alzheimer’s Disease
Mice exposed to WTC particulate matter dust exhibited a significant impairment in spatial and recognition short and long-term memory.
After an 8-year battle with 9/11-related cancer, Staten Island NYPD Lt. Maureen Gill-Donohue succumbs to the disease. She was 57.
After the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center, Lt. Gill-Donohue spent countless hours at Ground Zero, where she worked for months and served in several capacities, including overseeing security issues.
NY DEA honors members who died from 9/11-related illnesses with plaque
The memorial, which consists of a bronzed flag engraved with the seven names, will become part of the DEA New York Division’s Hall of Honor.
NYC appeals judge’s pension ruling linking ALS to 9/11 toxins; victim’s widow slams city stance in case
The city’s appeal puts the precedent on hold — and could end the possibility of any 9/11 pensions for sufferers of the disease.
Longitudinal associations between PTSD and sleep disturbances among World Trade Center responders
Results suggest PTSD and sleep problems may be linked at the same point in time but may not always influence each other longitudinally.
Gillibrand pushes for an additional $3.6 billion for 9/11 health program
Gillibrand touted the 9/11 Responder and Survivor Health Funding Correction Act, which would close the funding gap by delivering $3.6 billion of supplemental funds.
Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand calls for action to plug $3B hole in 9/11 health fund
There are about 120,000 9/11 responders and survivors in the World Trade Center Health Program. When Congress voted in 2015 to fund it through the year 2090, it underestimated how much it would cost.