Archive of News

42 officers who died of 9/11 illnesses added to wall of heroes

In the years that have passed, more than the nearly 3,000 people killed on that day have lost their lives from 9/11-related illnesses, many of them first responders.

More than 40 NYPD officers who died, many from 9/11 illnesses, honored for their sacrifice

Mayor Adams praised the actions of the 42 NYPD officers, most who succumbed in recent years to illnesses related to the attacks and two dying due to complications after being shot.

Honoring Fallen Firefighters: families still reeling 23 years after 9/11

It’s been over 23 years since the tragic event of 9/11 happened and to this day in 2024, it is still taking the lives of the firefighters that were there that day.

Heroic firehouse chaplain who died of 9/11-related cancer honored by FDNY at event for bravest lost this year

Rev. Monsignor John Delendick, of Ladder 170 — who buried hundreds of fallen firefighters over nearly three decades — was one of 14 FDNY members who died last year.

NYPD Officer who Helped at Landfill after Attacks Dies of 9/11-Related Illness

NYPD Det. Sgt. Robert Fawcett, 64, had served with the agency for 21 years, and he helped with Sept. 11 recovery efforts at a Staten Island landfill that was reopened following the 2001 terrorist attacks.

NYPD officer who helped lead 9/11 recovery efforts ‘from day one’ at Staten Island landfill dies: ‘No better partner’

Detective Sgt. Robert Fawcett died of a 9/11-related illness on Sept. 14 and was laid to rest Saturday, said Vincent Vallelong, his longtime friend and Sergeants Benevolent Association president.

World Trade Center Health Program Begins Enrollments for Expanded Population of Pentagon and Shanksville Responders

Based on new authority from Congress, the World Trade Center Health Program has expanded enrollment to include responders who served at the Pentagon and in Shanksville, Pennsylvania.

Missing in action for the WTC ill: Members of Congress must get on board

There is a shameful absence of far too many federal legislators who should be supporting full funding for the World Trade Center Health Program.

9/11 officer battles cancer, denied pension benefits despite proof

Detective Sara Salerno, speaking exclusively to NewsNation, revealed she is battling triple-negative breast cancer that has affected her lymph nodes.

NY lawmakers move to shore up 9/11-linked death benefits

The federal government has not made any more payments as the costs to the pension systems have continued to mount.