Archive of News (2021)

Honor all 9/11 victims: The number of people suffering with health conditions from the aftermath of the attacks grows and grows

While the money can’t end the suffering and the pain, the dollars put into the health program have greatly proven their value.

9/11 still claiming victims among Ground Zero responders

The noxious dust that clouded the air and filled the lungs of first responders is still wreaking havoc.

9/11: Ground Zero’s forgotten migrant cleaners demand recognition

Lucelly Gil is one of the forgotten victims of 9/11: an immigrant cleaner who spent months clearing up rubble from the World Trade Center and developed cancer, but who remains unrecognized.

New Yorkers were told Ground Zero air was safe. It wasn’t

Dust from Ground Zero had many known carcinogens – soot, benzene, cement, asbestos, heavy metals, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and dioxins – which were released into the air of lower Manhattan with the collapse of the towers.

NY delegation in Congress fought for 9/11 aid, and is still fighting

Two days after the Sept. 11 attacks, members of New York’s congressional delegation gathered outside of the West Wing waiting for a meeting with then-President George W. Bush.

20 years later, 9/11 endures

This anniversary, and the end of a war 9/11 sparked, should be cause for reflection on what we truly want America to be.

Sept. 11 investigation: Syracuse federal agent recalls silent NYC, empty shoes, acts of kindness

Twenty years ago, Mary Kate Anton was like most Americans, watching in horror at an unimaginable tragedy.

Among 9/11 Survivors, Health Effects Linger

Twenty years on, acute respiratory illnesses associated with Sept. 11 have evolved into chronic conditions including cancer.

Decades After Toxic Exposure, 9/11 First Responders May Still Lower Their Risk of Lung Injury

Losing weight and treating excess levels of fat in the blood may help prevent lung disease in firefighters who were exposed to dangerous levels of fine particles from fire, smoke, and toxic chemicals on September 11, 2001.

9/11 responders are battling long-term health issues

Experts in disaster and emergency response report that responders to the 9/11 terrorist attacks of 2001 are still battling significant health issues two decades later.