Archive of News (2019)

A new memorial is installed at National September 11 Memorial & Museum plaza

The giant slabs were transported in the early morning hours from Vermont to lower Manhattan.

343 and counting: Three retired FDNY members with 9/11 illnesses die within 48 hours

Three retired FDNY firefighters suffering from 9/11 illnesses died within 48 hours this week as the number of those succumbing to lethal toxins at Ground Zero continues to swell…

Longitudinal Change of PTSD Symptoms in Community Members after the World Trade Center Destruction

The World Trade Center (WTC) Environmental Health Center (EHC) is a treatment program for community members with exposure to the 9/11 terrorist attack and its physical and emotional aftermath.

Group of N.Y. 9/11 Responders Granted Unlimited Sick Leave

Two dozen city workers have finally been granted unlimited sick leave as they fight the illnesses linked to their time at Ground Zero—as critics hammer Mayor de Blasio for doling out the much-needed help…

Impact of Health on Early Retirement and Post-Retirement Income Loss among Survivors of the 11 September 2001 World Trade Center Disaster

The health consequences of the 9/11 World Trade Center (WTC) terrorist attacks are well documented, but few studies have assessed the disaster’s impact on employment among individuals exposed to the disaster.

VCF Advocates Intensify Lobbying In Congress

Pushing for Reauthorization

‘Generation-long epidemic’: Compensation funds running out as 9/11-related illnesses rise

As thousands diagnosed with 9/11-related illnesses, a federal fund set up to help is running out of cash

Two dozen city workers put on unlimited sick leave: officials

Two dozen city workers have finally been granted unlimited sick leave as they fight the illnesses linked to their time at Ground Zero…

Handgrip Strength of World Trade Center (WTC) Responders: The Role of Re-Experiencing Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Symptoms

This study sought to examine whether handgrip strength (HGS), a measure of muscle strength and a biomarker of aging,

First Responders In DC To Fight For 9/11 Victims Fund

A group of 20 9/11 first responders lobbied in Congress Wednesday to drum up support for more funds as the 9/11 Victims Compensation Fund runs dry.