Archive of News (2019)

Advocates In Washington To Push For New Funding For 9/11 Fund

With the seven billion dollar 9/11 Victim Compensation Fund running dry, advocates are back in Washington Wednesday trying to convince Congress to pony up more money.

Let’s Remember 9/11 Responders Who Suffer – And Fix 9/11 Compensation Fund Now

The time for waiting is done.

High-intensity dust exposure linked to airway abnormalities in World Trade Center firefighters

In firefighters who responded to the World Trade Center on 9/11, high-intensity dust exposure and early symptoms were associated with an increased likelihood of evidence of emphysema…

9/11 fund shrivels up as first responder cancer cases continue to grow

New Yorkers who survived 9/11 are experiencing a massive surge in aggressive brain cancers as dollars for the September 11th Victim Compensation Fund continue to dry up…

Never Forget the Heroes Act a must for 9/11 responders

Sometimes people want what they don’t need.

He showed up on 9/11 to volunteer his help, and now he’s sick. We must help him, legislator says

Lt. Bill Ricci knows he will continue to have respiratory problems. He also knows it will be because of 9/11.

Standing for the heroes: Congress appears to be stepping up for those sickened by the toxic air after 9/11

When September 11th Victim Compensation Fund Special Master Rupa Bhattacharyya saw the ever-growing numbers of people felled by illnesses caused by exposure…

Gillibrand, Grassley Bill To Help First Responders And Their Families Access Benefits They Earned Unanimously Passes Senate

The Bipartisan Protecting America’s First Responders Act Would Allow First Responders and Their Families To Receive the Benefits They Deserve

FBI names Atlanta office after special agent who died of 9/11 illness

A man died because he loved people.

Bill aimed at helping 9/11 first responders passes in Senate

A bill aimed at helping September 11th first responders has passed unanimously in the U.S. Senate.