Archive of News (2019)
9/11 Memorial Glade honors rescue, recovery workers affected by toxin exposure
The 9/11 Memorial on the Lower East Side of Manhattan unveiled a shrine on Thursday to honor thousands of first responders who are suffering from chronic illnesses or have died from exposure to toxins at Ground Zero.
9/11 Memorial Glade Opens, Honoring Victims in Tragedy’s Wake
For the tens of thousands of visitors to the 9/11 Memorial Plaza this summer and beyond, the 9/11 Memorial Glade will seem to have always been there.
9/11 Memorial Glade honors Ground Zero rescue and recovery workers
Rescue and recovery workers who contracted illnesses, and the survivors of those who were sickened and died from exposure to the thick, heavy dust during the cleanup…
Air Pollution/Irritants, Asthma Control, and Health-Related Quality of Life among 9/11-Exposed Individuals with Asthma
Asthma control is suboptimal among World Trade Center Health Registry (WTCHR) enrollees.
New memorial area dedicated at World Trade Center site
Former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg says a new memorial glade at the World Trade Center site “helps us fulfill our duty” to those who were sickened or died after responding to the Sept. 11 attacks.
9/11 Memorial Glade dedicated to rescue workers sickened at Ground Zero
The Glade features six stone monoliths inlaid with steel recovered from the World Trade Center site.
‘To Make the Wounded Whole…’
City Council member Margaret Chin is mobilizing local support for an effort at the federal level to restore funding and make permanent the Victim Compensation Fund…
Unsung 9/11 Heroes Finally Get Their Own Memorial
The Memorial Glade acknowledges those whose illnesses and deaths have come years after the towers collapsed.
Tweet Email 9/11 Memorial Glade dedicated to those sickened at Ground Zero
A new addition to the National September 11 Memorial and Museum was dedicated Thursday to all who are suffering or have died from exposure to toxins in the aftermath of 9/11.
New 9/11 Memorial Glade opens Thursday; honors those sickened by Ground Zero toxins
Officials were setting up early in the morning ahead of Thursday’s dedication of a new 9/11 memorial honoring the hundreds of thousands who are sick or have died due to breathing in toxins from Ground Zero after the 2001 terrorist attack.