Archive of News (2018)
To the rescue: The 9/11 compensation fund is running out of money
As the steady toll of disease and death from exposure to the toxic air unleashed from the destruction of the World Trade Center grows, it has become sadly clear the billions…
Monday, October 15: B.P. Brewer, Rep. Nadler, 9/11 Environmental Action invite downtown community to 9/11 Town Hall
Manhattan Borough President Gale A. Brewer, in coordination with U.S. Representative Jerrold Nadler and 9/11 Environmental Action, announced a Town Hall…
28 Names Added to NYS Fallen Firefighters Memorial
The names of 28 firefighters have been added to the New York State Fallen Firefighters Memorial in downtown Albany.
28 names being added to NYS Fallen Firefighters Memorial
The names of more than two dozen firefighters are being added to the New York State Fallen Firefighters Memorial in downtown Albany.
Parent-Reported Child Reactions to the September 11, 2001 World Trade Center Attacks (New York USA) in Relation to Parent Post-Disaster Psychopathology Three Years After the Event
Parents are a primary support for children following disasters, even though they face numerous challenges in addressing the physical and social consequences of an event.
New Jersey Fraternal Order of Police Endorse Rep. Chris Smith
The New Jersey State Fraternal Order of Police (FOP), has become the most recent first responder/law enforcement organization to endorse Rep. Chris Smith for his re-election…
Marion County relief worker still struggles with “Red Zone” syndrome – Ocala, Florida
Dick Leonard made multiple trips with the Marion Baptist Association Disaster Relief Team to Ground Zero after 9/11.
Transit Unions Say MTA Not Giving ‘WTC’ Workers Mandated Sick Leave
In Violation of 2017 Law
Running dry: Fund for 9/11 victims may not even last until 2020 deadline
A bipartisan group of New York members of Congress is demanding that their colleagues permanently reauthorize the 9/11 Victim Compensation Fund…
Retired SCPD Sgt. Dennis Reichardt Dies of 9/11-Related Cancer
Another hero gone too soon.