Archive of News (2018)
Reporter’s video helps 9/11 victim receive compensation
Over the past several years, more and more volunteers from the World Trade Center disaster have been diagnosed with cancer, linked to their exposure to the toxic smoke and fumes rising from the rubble.
FDNY Chief Ronald Spadafora, 63, dies of 9/11-related illness
The 40-year fire department veteran, who once lived in Levittown, and who worked at Ground Zero, was diagnosed with acute myeloid leukemia in December 2015.
FDNY Veteran Succumbs to 9/11-Related Cancer, Commissioner Says
A 40-year FDNY veteran who oversaw rescue and recovery efforts at the World Trade Center site after 9/11 has succumbed to cancer linked to his efforts at ground zero.
FDNY chief who led Ground Zero recovery dies of 9/11-related cancer
In the dark days after the Sept. 11 terror attacks, the FDNY turned to Chief Ronald Spadafora to lead the department’s rescue and recovery efforts at the World Trade Center site.
Beloved Pike County man dies after battle with 9/11-linked leukemia
Tom Kontizas to be remembered in a Mass on Monday at Good Shepherd Episcopal Church
Head and Neck Cancer in World Trade Center Responders: A Case Series.
OBJECTIVE: To report on cases of head and neck cancer (HNC) among World Trade Center (WTC) responders participating in the WTC Health Program and seen at Rutgers WTC Center of Clinical Excellence.
Schumer supports widow’s claim for 9/11 death benefits
U.S. Sen. Charles Schumer said Thursday that the state Workers’ Compensation Board should grant death benefits to the widow of State Trooper Lawrence W. Lakeman.
Editorial: Pay the money to 9/11 widow, New York
Six years after answering the call to service at Ground Zero in Lower Manhattan, State Trooper Lawrence W. Lakeman died of pancreatic cancer.
Incidence and prevalence of antibody to hepatitis C virus in FDNY first responders before and after work at the World Trade Center disaster site
The goals of this study were to assess the impact of work at the World Trade Center (WTC) site in relation to new, post-9/11/2001 (9/11) antibody to hepatitis C Virus (anti-HCV)…
New Clinic to Increase Capacity in Scheduling Appointments for New Survivor Enrollees
The WTC Health Program has been working to address the time required for scheduling appointments for newly enrolled survivors…