Archive of News (2017)
Lawmakers pass 9/11 sick leave for ex-NYPD officers
State lawmakers have passed a measure that will have the state pay for additional sick days for former NYPD officers who worked at Ground Zero.
9/11 officers deserve our support
When it comes to taking care of the police officers who responded to the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and worked on the pile in the aftermath, the message can be as important as the money.
Ground Zero recovery worker from Queens targeted by immigration authorities for deportation
A Queens man put his health on the line to help remove hazardous material from Ground Zero — and now immigration authorities want him removed from the country over a 30-year-old criminal case.
9/11 still killing as retired cop and firefighter die of cancers
Two more first responders have died of 9/11-related cancers, officials said Friday.
Honor overdue: After 15 years, National 9/11 Memorial finally includes Ground Zero workers
The thousands of rescue and recovery workers who risked their lives at Ground Zero — often called the “forgotten heroes” of the 9/11 attacks — will finally be remembered with a permanent monument at the National September 11 Memorial…
NY Community Rallies to Support Fire Chief
The Utica community held a rally Tuesday in support of fire chief Russell Brooks, who says he was placed in nondisciplinary leave in May after applying for 9/11 health benefits.
Retired FDNY lieutenant dies from 9/11-related illness as first responders ‘continue to suffer’ 15 years after attacks
A retired FDNY lieutenant who responded to the World Trade Center after the Sept. 11 attacks became the latest victim of toxic Ground Zero dust.
Albany Lawmakers Hope to Close 9/11 Health Care Loophole
While the federal Zadroga Act covers illnesses suffered by first responders who toiled at the World Trade center site after 9/11, some are hoping to close a loophole surrounding the issue in New York State.
Bill would help ex-NYPD, now LI police, sick from Sept. 11
Tom Wilson, a 48-year-old career cop from Bellport, is trying to protect former New York City police officers like himself who worked through the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks and later went to work for Long Island police…
Silent killer — 9/11 illnesses strike national first responders
We are all too familiar with the grim toll of 9/11: 2,974 lives lost at the World Trade Center, the Pentagon and aboard United Flight 93.