Archive of News (2016)

More than 1,000 first-responders suffering 9/11-related health woes finally receive full compensation checks

The first batch of long-overdue payments — totaling more than $233.4 million — are on the way to Sept. 11 heroes courtesy of the 9/11 Victim Compensation Fund.

Renewal of legislation ‘relieves’ 9/11 first responders, victims

Reauthorized legislation has given peace of mind to hundreds of 9/11 first responders and their families – but not without a fight.

9/11 Victim Compensation Fund Triples Payments In Past Year

The September 11th Victim Compensation Fund said it has offered financial support to nearly 6,000 victims’ families and first responders who became sick because of 9/11 in the past year.

Ned Thompson and why the Zadroga Act is important

Every Staten Islander should know what the Zadroga Act is and why it is important.

Dust Be Their Destiny: Growing Signs WTC Residue Caused Nerve Damage

Doctor: ‘No Cure’ for Afflicted First-Responders

Study: 9/11 responders suffer from neuropathy at a much higher rate than non-responders

Mineola doctors share their findings on a condition that is not currently covered under the Zadroga Act

Still Fighting for Downtown’s 9/11 survivors

The last-minute Zadroga Act reauthorization last month was cause for celebration Downtown — and especially for 9/11 Environmental Action, which has been on the frontlines of the fight for healthcare for survivors of the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001.

Winthrop-University docs say neuropathy caused by 9/11 dust; should be covered by Zadroga Act

World Trade Center responder John Coughlin of Sayville suffers from a host of conditions: heart disease that led to open-heart surgery and a pacemaker; diminished lung capacity; sleep apnea; and stomach disorders.

Doctors, 9/11 Responders Call For Covering Neuropathy Under Zadroga Act

Citing a new study, doctors at a Long Island hospital are pushing for more health care coverage for 9/11 first responders.