Archive of News (2015)

Heroic ATF agent William Sheldon Jr. dies of cancer related to 9/11 attack aged 47

A 9/11 hero has become the first member of the federal agency that regulates guns and alcohol to die from cancer related to the terrorist attack, authorities said Thursday.

911 terror attacks caused more heart attacks in Utah

Nearly 14 years later, the 911 tragedy still causes pain across the nation. A new study by the Intermountain Medical Center Heart Institute says the terrorist attacks may have also affected the heart health of Utah residents.

Seventy percent of the FDNY’s females are retiring on disability

They broke the FDNY gender barrier — but, for many, firefighting broke them.

Police officer connects her fibromyalgia to Ground Zero

A former police officer believes her job at Ground Zero is connected to her fibromyalgia.

Retired cop will get enhanced disability pension after developing chronic illnesses from working at Ground Zero

A retired city cop who developed fibromyalgia after being exposed to toxins after the World Trade Center attack won a five-year legal battle Tuesday for an enhanced disability pension.

NYPD chief, 9/11 responder dead after blood-disease battle

The heroic NYPD deputy chief who helped lead rescue efforts at Ground Zero after 9/11 died Friday, a week before his wedding, from a rare blood cancer.

Mt. Sinai to Stay Neutral in WTC Dust Litigation

Doctors need not testify, but Mt. Sinai Hospital’s WTC Health Program must disclose its “unparalleled” repository of research data for an upcoming trial on the chronic respiratory ailments of Sept. 11 cleanup workers, a federal judge ruled.

9/11 fund OKs payments of $804M to 3,000 claimants

The fund has paid out $59 million as of Jan 2, officials say.

911 Health Watch Response to Today’s Message from the September 11th Victim Compensation Fund Special Master and Updated Statistics

For Immediate Release from 911 Health Watch January 15th, 2015 911 Health Watch Response to Today’s Message from the September 11th Victim Compensation Fund Special Master and Updated Statistics “Today, the September 11th Victim Compensation Fund Special Master Sheila Birnbaum released a message and updated statistics on its progress to date. We are pleased […]

PTSD and Depression in Survivors a Decade after 9/11

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is the most commonly reported mental illness in survivors of the World Trade Center disaster in New York City.