Archive of News (2014)
Bonus payout for WTC site workers premature: court
A judge acted prematurely in awarding a $55 million bonus payment to thousands of rescue and cleanup workers at the World Trade Center site who settled lawsuits against New York City over damage to their health, a federal appeals court decided on Monday.
9/11 first responders have high levels of binge drinking: study
Frequent binge drinking among 9/11 first responders is higher than in any other group affected by the terror attacks, an alarming new study finds.
New York appeals court rules Sept. 11 volunteers not affiliated with agency or group are entitled to benefits
A state appeals court has ruled that volunteers who worked at Ground Zero independent from any group or agency are also entitled to health benefits from the World Trade Center Volunteer Fund.
State appeals court rules more 9/11 volunteers can get money from compensation fund
The ruling states that first responders and 9/11 volunteers do not need to be part of an ‘authorized rescue entity or volunteer agency’ to be eligible for funds.
Ground Zero volunteer wins 13-year battle to prove service, get help
It’s been more than a dozen years since Jaime Hazan rushed to Ground Zero to help clean up the toxic pile of rubble as America sought to recover from one of its darkest days.
Retired firefighter dies from brain cancer connected to Ground Zero work
Lt. Steven Reisman, 54, was with the Fire Department for 23 years and, after working extensively at the World Trade Center site post-9/11, he fell victim to an aggressive form of brain cancer.
Ground Zero funds dwindle as Buffet takeover plan stalls
Mayor de Blasio is sitting on a controversial proposal to let billionaire Warren Buffett take over a $300 million taxpayer fund expected to pay future claims by Ground Zero workers stricken with cancer.
9/11 attacks leave legacy of chronic illness
After the 9/11 attacks, Glenn Garamella spent months at Ground Zero, helping families who lost loved ones from the New York City Police Department. He worked around-the-clock as an employee relations manager.
We Have More To Remember
The opening of the National September 11 Memorial & Museum is a clear sign that the nation has not forgotten the events of that horrible day now almost 13 years ago.
Borough President Gale Brewer, local residents, first responders, organized labor, and elected officials join to announce formation of committee to establish a monument to 9/11 responders and survivors sickened and dying from their exposure to toxins at Ground Zero
NEW YORK, NY – Manhattan Borough President Gale Brewer, U.S. Rep. Carolyn B. Maloney, U.S. Rep Jerrold Nadler, U.S. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, U.S. Senator Chuck Schumer, N.Y. State Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver, N.Y. State Senator Daniel Squadron, NYC Council Member Margaret Chin, NYS AFL-CIO President Mario Cilento, NYC Central Labor Council President Vincent Alvarez, NYC […]