Archive of News (2012)

Congress’ Sequester Raids 9/11 Treatment And Compensation Funds To Cut Deficit

Lawmakers vowed to “never forget” 9/11 again last week, but it appears many already had — in the budget sequester legislation Congress passed last summer to try and cut the deficit.

Cancer Occurrence Among 9/11 First Responders

The first responders who worked at the World Trade Center site following what is now simply known as “9/11” have asserted that many of them have developed, or are more likely to develop, significant medical conditions, including cancer.

Rule requires new reviews for 9/11 cancer compensation

Responders and survivors of the 9/11 terrorist attacks who suffer cancer have still more hurdles to clear before they will get free health treatment under a federal compensation law.

Questions about 9/11 cancer compensation

The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health last week put out a final rule that added about 60 cancers to be covered under the James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act. That means responders and some survivors will be eligible for cancer screening and treatment and can apply for compensation for their cancer under the victims’ compensation fund.

Adding about 50 cancers to diseases covered by 9/11 compensation act pleases former New York officers

When Palm Beach County School Police officer Tony Makowski suddenly dropped 25 pounds off his 6-foot-2-inch frame this year, the first thing his doctor did was have him checked for cancer. Where Makowski was and what he did 11 years ago demanded it.

Report warns of budget cuts

A White House report issued Friday warns that $109 billion in across-the-board spending cuts at the start of the new year would be “deeply destructive” to the military and core government responsibilities such as patrolling borders and air traffic control.

9/11 cancer compensation too late: One man’s story

Those who were diagnosed with cancer after working at the World Trade Center site following the September 11, 2001, terror attacks were relieved earlier this week to find out that the federal government would compensate them for their illnesses.

Lung Cancer Alliance Praises Decision To Include Cancer Coverage For 9/11 Survivors And Responders

Today, Lung Cancer Alliance (LCA) praised the decision this week to add lung cancer and other cancers to the list of diseases covered by the James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act Fund.

Ryan got positive 9/11 PR this week – – but opposed 9/11 victims’ health converage

In politics, the game is called “posing for holy pictures” – – grabbing off some PR in an issue while having disagreed or even opposed it – – and it’s a home run for candidates or their staffs who can pull off this two-faced stunt in front of unknowing consumers of news coverage.

World Trade Center Health Program; Addition of Certain Types of Cancer to the List of WTC-Related Health Conditions

Title I of the James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act of 2010 amended the Public Health Service Act (PHS Act) to establish the World Trade Center (WTC) Health Program.