Archive of News (2010)
Senate Republicans refused Ground Zero responders a vote or even an explanation on Zadroga bill
Legislation to provide health care and compensation to the Forgotten Victims of 9/11 was left for dead in the Senate yesterday by Republicans who lacked the decency to utter even a single word of explanation.
Republicans to 9/11 Responders: Drop Dead
In July Republicans tried to block House passage of the James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act of 2010. They voted the bill down-with 155 of 159 nays being Republicans. The bill was later passed in a different form to the Senate, where it was defeated today by a Republican-led filibuster.
Irate 9/11 responder rages at GOP over defeat of Zadroga health bill: ‘It’s the ultimate betrayal’
Lawmakers stung by the failure of the 9/11 health bill returned to Ground Zero Friday in hopes of breathing life into the measure.
Republicans Block 9/11 Health Measure
Republican senators have blocked federal legislation aimed at providing medical care to rescue workers who fell ill after exposure to environmental hazards at ground zero, our colleague Raymond Hernandez reports.
GOP set to fili’bust’ 9/11 health-aid bill
Senate Republicans are poised to kill the 9/11 health bill with a filibuster today, crushing hopes of New York lawmakers who call the vote “the last, best chance” of passing the legislation this year.
9/11 health bill falls short in Senate
Senate Republicans on Thursday derailed a bill to aid people who got sick after exposure to dust from the World Trade Center’s collapse in the Sept. 11 attack.
9/11 health bill fails first test, Senate Republicans filibuster measure in 57-42 vote
Compassion took a back seat to politics Thursday as Senate Republicans blocked a bill to help sick 9/11 heroes.
Republicans Block U.S. Health Aid for 9/11 Workers
Republican senators blocked Democratic legislation on Thursday that sought to provide medical care to rescue workers and others who became ill as a result of breathing in toxic fumes, dust and smoke at the site of the World Trade Center attack in 2001.
The Senate Stands for Injustice
On one of the most shameful days in the modern history of the Senate, the Republican minority on Thursday prevented a vote to allow gay and lesbian soldiers to serve openly in the military of the United States. They chose to filibuster a vital defense bill because it also banned discrimination in the military ranks.
Zadroga’s dad ponders stalled legislation
Joseph Zadroga was mystified Thursday about how Republican senators could block the legislation, named for his son, to compensate Ground Zero workers for illnesses stemming from breathing in toxic fumes and dust near the World Trade Center site.