Archive of News (2010)
Ground Zero workers plan to storm senators’ offices in bid for Zadroga Act support
Asking politely hasn’t worked for ailing 9/11 responders, so Thursday they are trying civil disobedience in hopes of jarring loose stalled legislation meant to help.
9/11 heroes see insult turn to hope for Zadroga bill after meeting with Sen. Susan Collins’ aides
Insult turned to hope and flattery Thursday for first responders who came to the Senate to push for the 9/11 health bill – and found cops waiting.
Reid vows 9/11 revote
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid yesterday pledged to bring back the 9/11 health bill for another vote before the end of the lame-duck session.
Jon Stewart gives GOP senators the skewering their hypocrisy on 9/11 deserves
Led by the redoubtable John Feal, 9/11 rescue and recovery workers may be making headway among some of the Republican U.S. senators who last week voted down legislation to provide health care and compensation to the sick among them.
More New Yorkers Are Being Treated For WTC-Related Illness
More New Yorkers are receiving treatment for illnesses relating to the toxic aftermath of the Septemer 11th attacks, according to the National Institute for Occupation Safety and Health.
Hopes Fade for 9/11 Health Bill
The prospects for passing a $7.4 billion aid package for sick Ground Zero workers dimmed further on Wednesday after the Senate overwhelmingly approved a major tax-cut bill without adding the September 11th-related legislation.
Failure of 9/11 health bill could hurt NY clinics
The network of health centers providing free medical tests and treatment to 58,000 people exposed to World Trade Center dust faces a less certain future if Congress doesn’t pass legislation aimed at helping victims of 9/11’s toxic legacy.
Why I’m against the Zadroga 9/11 health bill: Sen. Mike Enzi explains his concerns with legislation
Every member of the U.S. Senate supports the intent of the James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act, which the Senate considered last week.
Opinion: Shameful GOP snub of 9/11 rescuers
IN THOSE MOURNFUL weeks after the Twin Towers fell, when gray smoke billowed from the pile of twisted steel and pulverized concrete at Ground Zero and the smell of death clung to the city like the dampness after a hard rain, we could feel ourselves unite.
The heroes of NYPD, FDNY didn’t hesitate to do the right thing, Congress shouldn’t either
None of the Christmas shoppers streaming past seemed to notice the cop who stood holding a black, 3-foot-long cylindrical device on the street made famous by the classic Santa Claus movie.