Archive of News (2007)

After 9/11, Ailing Residents Find a Place to Turn

They say they suffer the same rasping cough, shortness of breath and gastrointestinal pains as thousands of rescue and recovery workers who fell ill from the dust and smoke at ground zero. They worry, as the others do, that the future may bring more health problems.

As a Way to Pay Victims of 9/11, Insurance Fund Is Problematic

Public officials are eyeing the $1 billion set aside in an insurance fund to cover New York City against negligence lawsuits related to 9/11 for other potential uses. But tapping into that money may present more than a few problems.

Daily News editorial setting Borja record straight

It is beyond dispute that Officer Cesar Borja worked on the perimeter of Ground Zero for more than 200 hours during the recovery from the terror attack of 9/11. NYPD overtime logs say Borja reported for duty there on 18 days.

Bloomberg Urges More Aid for Those Ailing After 9/11

Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg called on the federal government yesterday to increase health spending sharply for thousands of people who became ill after the Sept. 11 attack on the World Trade Center, and called for the creation of a special fund to compensate those who are sick.

Bloomberg steps up for Ground Zero sick

Thoroughly and altogether helpfully, Mayor Bloomberg yesterday gave official measure to the serious and growing health consequences suffered by the forgotten victims of 9/11 – along with unequivocal recognition that government must do more to care for their needs.

Bush at last accepts a nation’s debt

By order of President Bush, the United States government now recognizes, for the first time, an obligation to provide for the forgotten victims of 9/11, those men and women who did their duty after an act of war and suffered the loss of their health or their lives. This could not be any other way.

Bush May Meet With Dead Officer’s Son

A White House spokesman said last night that President Bush might meet tomorrow with a New York college student whose father recently died from an illness that may have been linked to his work at ground zero. Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton asked the president yesterday to meet with Ceasar Borja Jr., the son of Cesar Borja, 52, a police officer who died last week of pulmonary fibrosis, a type of chronic lung disorder that involves scarring of the tissue between the air sacs.

Time for action is now before the list of fallen heroes grows

First Firefighter Stephen Johnson, 47, died battling for breath. Then Officer James Godbee, 44. Then Detective James Zadroga, 29. Then telephone worker Mark DeBiase, 41

Officer Who Epitomized Ills of Ground Zero Workers Dies

A former New York City police officer died of a lung disease last night, hours before his son attended the State of the Union address to draw attention to the plight of 9/11 rescue workers like him who became ill after they were exposed to toxic dust at ground zero.

He will tell the nation about his dying dad

His father answered the call to duty and now the son follows. Ceasar Borja, all of 21 years old, will tonight join the U.S. Senate, House of Representatives and members of the Supreme Court in listening to George W. Bush’s seventh State of the Union address. The President’s words will fill the august chamber as the young man’s dad slips ever closer to death.