Archive of News (2007)
More Able to Get Free Care for 9/11 Illnesses
The city is expanding its treatment facilities to care for people sickened by ground zero dust in the aftermath of the World Trade Center collapse, city officials said yesterday.
Bill Would Expand Care and Compensation for Ground Zero Workers
The Bloomberg administration is supporting a new Congressional bill that would provide health treatment and financial compensation for all workers, residents and others exposed to the dust and smoke from the collapsed World Trade Center.
CONDITION UNCERTAIN One Small Clinic | Accuracy of 9/11 Health Reports Is Questioned
Much of what is known about the health problems of ground zero workers comes from a small clinic in Manhattan that at the time of the trade center collapse had only six full-time doctors and a tiny budget.
Rally at Ground Zero Aims to Build Support for 9/11 Health Care Legislation
Several hundred union workers and elected officials, including Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton, rallied near ground zero yesterday in support of federal legislation that would provide long-term monitoring and treatment for people exposed to dust in Lower Manhattan during the 9/11 cleanup.
Representatives Join Forces to Push New 9/11 Medical Bill
Several members of New York’s Congressional delegation said they planned to introduce a bill on Tuesday, the sixth anniversary of the destruction of the World Trade Center, that would provide comprehensive medical coverage and financial compensation for anyone exposed to ground zero dust.
Flaws Seen in Effort to Clean Homes Near Ground Zero
The federal government’s latest effort to test and clean hundreds of residences in Lower Manhattan that were exposed to toxic dust from the collapse of the World Trade Center is seriously flawed and inadequately financed, according to a report released yesterday by the Government Accountability Office.
Missing in action
New studies of 9/11 rescue and recovery workers confirm the scope of the health disaster inflicted on the forgotten victims of 9/11, and they beg a critical question: Does the Bush administration give a damn?
Survey Shows a High Rate of Asthma at Ground Zero
Rescue and recovery workers at ground zero have developed asthma at a rate that is 12 times what would be expected for adults, according to findings released yesterday by the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene.
Free the captive fund
Two of Washington’s most powerful senators, Democrat Patrick Leahy and Republican Arlen Specter, the chairman and ranking minority member of the Judiciary Committee, have turned their attention to the needs of the forgotten victims of 9/11.
Stress Rates High for 9/11 Workers
One of every eight rescue and recovery workers from the World Trade Center site showed signs of post-traumatic stress disorder when they were interviewed in 2003 and 2004, the city’s Department of Health and Mental Hygiene reported yesterday.