Archive of News (2002)

GROUND ZERO: THE IMPACT; Survey Finds A Community In Anguis

In late October, about six weeks after the World Trade Center attacks, a team of government interviewers fanned out through Lower Manhattan, knocking on apartment doors, to gauge the mental and physical health of residents who lived near ground zero. What emerged, through conversations with 414 anonymous New Yorkers, was a snapshot of a suffering community.

Studies Will Take Sept. 11’s Measure In Health Effects

Public health researchers in New York, struggling to determine the real dimensions of the health threat at the World Trade Center site, are beginning an ambitious series of long-term studies to identify and then track a wide range of people who lived through the nightmare of dust, smoke and stress when the towers fell.

Studies Will Take Sept. 11’s Measure In Health Effects

Public health researchers in New York, struggling to determine the real dimensions of the health threat at the World Trade Center site, are beginning an ambitious series of long-term studies to identify and then track a wide range of people who lived through the nightmare of dust, smoke and stress when the towers fell.

Senators Clinton and Lieberman to Hold Hearing on Downtown Air Quality

Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton and Senator Joseph I. Lieberman of Connecticut will lead a hearing in the city next month concerning the air quality at ground zero, particularly the health effects of early exposure to dust clouds from the trade center collapse, she announced yesterday.