Archive of Email Newsletters

9/11 Health and Compensation in the News

Below are summaries with url’s to news articles that appeared recently about 9/11 Health and Compensation issues. An archive of past articles by year, can be found on the 911 Health Watch website at : April 8, 2016 — NY Daily News — Former cop who won $3.9M for injuries he got working during […]

September 11th Victim Compensation Fund Updated Statistics

Last week, the September 11th Victim Compensation Fund Special Master Sheila Birnbaum released the following message and updated statistics on the progress to date in processing claims. Below is her message: Message from Special Master Sheila Birnbaum April 15, 2016 Today, the September 11th Victim Compensation Fund (VCF) issued updated program statistics (available here). This […]

9/11 Health and Compensation in the News

Below are summaries with url’s to news articles that appeared recently about 9/11 Health and Compensation issues. An archive of past articles by year, can be found on the 911 Health Watch website at : March 13, 2016 — New York Post — ID thefts traced to temp working at 9/11 law firm A […]

Reminder of possible tax relief for some disabled 9/11 Responders, Survivors and the families of those who have died from their 9/11 injuries

911 Health Watch wanted to again remind disabled 9/11 Responders, Survivors and the families of those who have died from their 9/11 injuries of possible tax relief available to them. Through Senator Kirsten Gillibrand’s efforts in 2014, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) updated its leading publication on the tax relief that is available to some […]

Statement from 911 Health Watch on Special Master Birnbaum’s Update on Payments

“The update issued by Special Master Birnbaum, reporting that the VCF has authorized over 1,000 full payments as of February 29th and that the VCF is on track with its plans to fully implement the reauthorization is good news for injured and ill 9/11 responders, survivors and their families. After all of the hard work […]

9/11 Health and Compensation in the News

Below are summaries with url’s to news articles that appeared recently about 9/11 Health and Compensation issues. An archive of past articles by year, can be found on the 911 Health Watch website at : June 17, 2015 — NBC New York — Deputy Marshal Dies of Cancer Linked to World Trade CenterA deputy […]

9/11 Memorial to Mark the 13th Anniversary of the End of the Recovery Operations at Ground Zero

We wanted to share with you the program of events at the 9/11 Memorial to mark the 13th anniversary of the end of the recovery operations at Ground Zero. There will be a special program on the Health issues facing 9/11 Responders on May 28th. Dear Friend, The 9/11 Memorial invites you to attend a […]

World Trade Center Health Program’s Website has New Resources

We wanted you to know that the World Trade Center Health Program’s website has new resources for both those interested in applying to the Program as well as current members that you might find helpful. Here is the url to the program website: One important resource includes the new WTC Health Program Member Handbook […]

9/11 Health and Compensation in the News

Below are summaries with url’s to news articles that appeared recently about 9/11 Health and Compensation issues. An archive of past articles by year, can be found on the 911 Health Watch website at : April 17, 2015 — U.S. News and World Report — More Evidence of Long-Term Illness in 9/11 Responders Emergency […]

Below are summaries with url’s to news articles that appeared recently about 9/11 Health and Compensation issues. An archive of past articles by year, can be found on the 911 Health Watch website at : March 14, 2015 — Jonathan Turley — A Leading Cause of NYPD Officer Deaths Is 9-11 Related IllnessesThe 9/11 […]