Archive of Email Newsletters

VCF Program Update

I wanted to let you know about an updated policy of the September 11th, Victims Compensation Fund. The Fund recently posted a new Frequently Asked Question, explaining how you can confirm that you are registered with the Fund. Generally the deadline for filing a claim for the VCF is this October 3rd, 2013. The Zadroga […]

Legislation to Stop Sequestration cuts to 9/11 Programs Announced

Wanted to let you know that U.S. Senators Kirsten Gillibrand and Charles E. Schumer and U.S. Representatives Peter King, Carolyn Maloney, Jerrold Nadler announced legislation today that would prevent the threatened sequester cuts from going into effect. As Dr. Jim Melius, 911 Health Watch Board member and Chair of the WTC Medical Program Steering […]

Video of VCF Informational Forum

Wanted to let you know that up on the 911 Health Watch website is video from the information forum that 9/11 Victims Compensation Fund Special Master Sheila Birnbaum held on January 30 at Baruch College. With the recent announcement by the Special Master that the VCF has made its first determinations on claims, the information […]

Help us help you

Recently, you became a member of 911 Health Watch. We are committed to the September 11th heroes, survivors, and their families, whose selfless sacrifice continues to inspire us to this very day. We aim to provide vital updates and educational information about programs available for our community. Communication provides us the ability to examine how […]

First awards to survivors

Good news to report! Sheila Birnbaum, special master of the Victims Compensation Fund, announced the first fifteen awards. You can read our statement below. Today’s announcement by Victims Compensation Fund Special Master Sheila Birnbaum of the first 15 awards under the reopened VCF is good news for the responders and survivors who were injured in […]

The latest on 9/11 health

It is a New Year and now that we’re back from the holidays, we wanted to share with you a few pieces posted to our website. The author of the Zadroga Act, Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney, penned a piece exclusively for the 911 Health Watch blog. John Feal, a 9/11 first responder and tireless advocate, wrote […]

Statement on WTC Health Registry Study on Cancer

911 Health Watch Statement on the release today of the WTC Health Registry Study on Cancer that is being published in the Journal of the American Medical Association: Today’s release of the WTC Health Registry Article on Cancer being published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, confirms last year’s study published by the […]

911 Health Watch Statement on Victims Compensation Fund

Yesterday the NY Post published an article ” Nearly two years after Zadroga bill signed, Ground Zero workers and others sickened or injured in 9/11 attacks haven’t been paid” about the slow pace of the reopened Victims Compensation Fund. Below is a statement from 911 Health Watch in response to the article. 911 Health […]

WTC program update

Starting October 1, 2012, the nationwide network of providers in the National Program has been opened up to survivors. Previously, only responders could access care outside the Metropolitan area but now if you are a survivor — which includes lower Manhattan residents at the time of 9/11, students, cleanup workers and lower Manhattan workers — […]

Sequestration and 9/11 health

You may have heard about “sequestration” lately. These are automatic cuts to the federal budget across the board that may go into effect in January 2013. The 9/11 health care bill — the James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act — may be included in these cuts. 911 Health Watch board member Peg Seminario wrote […]