Archive of Email Newsletters

9/11 Health in the News Update

Below are summaries with url’s to news articles that appeared over the last few weeks about 9/11 Health and Compensation issues. An archive of past articles by year, can be found on the 911 Health Watch website at : June 20, 2013 — PropertyCasualty360 — New York State to Outsource World Trade Center Claims […]

NYCOSH, Elected Officials, Labor & Community Advocates Launch Outreach Campaign to Publicize Expanded 9/11 Resources Under Zadroga Act

I wanted to let you know about an event this coming Monday, June 24th. Members of the New York Congressional Delegation who were instrumental in passing the 9/11 Health and Compensation Act, along with the New York Committee for Occupational Safety and Health (NYCOSH), Labor and Community Advocates will be launching an Outreach Campaign to […]

9/11 Health Update, City Council Hearing Monday June 17th on Cancer Rates, has New Start Time, Noon.

The start time for the Joint Hearing of the Civil Service & Labor and Lower Manhattan Redevelopment Committees: “Oversight: Are Cancer Rates Increasing in 9/11 Responders?” scheduled for Monday, June 17, 2013 at 250 Broadway 16th Floor Committee Room, has been moved up to now start at 12 Noon. According to the City Council, “The […]

9/11 Health Update, City Council Hearing, Monday June17th “Are cancer rates increasing in 9/11 Responders?”

The New York City Council Committee on Lower Manhattan Re-development, and the Civil Service and Labor Committee will be having a joint hearing, this Monday titled “Are cancer rates increasing in 9/11 Responders?” The Hearing will be Monday, June 17, 2013 at 1:00 PM at 250 Broadway – Committee Rm, 16th Floor. According to the […]

Update on NYS World Trade Center Volunteer Fund

The New York State Workers’ Compensation Board, which administers the World Trade Center (WTC) Volunteer Fund, announced last week that it was moving to shift the management of the fund to a Third Party Administrator, the Triad Group, effective June 24. According to the Workers Compensation Board, the Triad Group will assume responsible for […]

Long Island Forum on Victim Compensation Fund

Wanted to let you know about an Educational Forum on the Victim Compensation Fund being hosted this Thursday by the Long Island Center of Excellence. Below are the details. The Long Island Clinical Center of Excellence invites you to a Victim Compensation Fund Education Session this Thursday, July 11th presented by representatives from the Special […]

Ask 911 Health Watch

I wanted to let you know about a new feature on the 911 Health Watch website, “Ask 911 Health Watch and Frequently Asked Questions”. We know that 9/11 Responders and Survivors have a lot of questions about the programs and resources available to them. That is one of the reasons we created 911 Health […]

Statement from the WTC Program Administrator John Howard, M.D. marking the two-year anniversary of the World Trade Center Health Program

I wanted to share with you the Statement from the WTC Program Administrator John Howard, M.D. marking the two-year anniversary of the World Trade Center Health Program July 1, 2013 marks the second anniversary of the World Trade Center (WTC) Health Program, established by the James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act. The Program […]

Prostate Cancer Proposed to be Added to World Trade Center Health Program Covered Cancers

Today the World Trade Center Health Program published a proposed rule for public comment that would add Prostate Cancer to the covered WTC Health Program Cancers . For proposed rule go here: For list of covered cancers go here: The Administrator of the World Trade Center Health program, Dr. John Howard, made the […]

Help Us Inform Injured 9/11 Responders and Survivors about VCF deadline this coming October 3rd.

This week, there are fewer than 100 days until the October 3rd deadline by which most injured Responders and Survivors have to file a claim with the September 11th Victim Compensation Fund. Because it is so hard to reach those effected by 9/11, and because the VCF deadline is coming up, 911 Health Watch is […]