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Indecent Lack of Exposure

If enacted, Ms. Brewer’s proposed “binding resolution” would mark the first time the City Council has invoked the authority granted by the City Charter to direct DOI to conduct an investigation.

Stony Brook study: Long COVID risk increases with multiple infections, vaccination status in 9/11 essential workers

People who have had multiple bouts of COVID-19 or had it severely, and those who were unvaccinated when first infected had an increased risk of developing long COVID, according to a new study.

Produce the WTC documents: Decades of hiding the truth must end

The heroes and victims of 9/11 who are suffering terrible and sometimes lethal medical problems have a right to know what City Hall knew decades ago about the environmental risks from Ground Zero.

City pushes to dismiss FOIA case over 9/11 Ground Zero toxin studies

The city is trying to quash a lawsuit seeking pivotal data on the toxins that hovered over lower Manhattan following the 9/11 terror attacks, claiming it doesn’t have the important documents.

‘This is a priority of mine’: Malliotakis to discuss 9/11 health program funding with Trump this weekend

Though the program is authorized to run until 2090, the rate at which those who are contracting illnesses in the wake of the 2001 terror attacks is increasing.

Twisting in the Wind: Eleventh-Hour Deal Scuttles Federal Funding for WTC Health Program

The looming budget shortfall means that, if nothing changes, the program will have to begin reducing services and rationing care in approximately 24 months.

N.J. State Police Major Dies from 9/11-Related Cancer

Major Jeffrey A. Burke died on Dec. 31, the New Jersey State Police said in a statement.

UK firefighters exposed to toxic smoke at Grenfell Tower fire suffer debilitating health effects, research finds

Research has found that over a quarter of surveyed firefighters who attended the Grenfell Tower fire are now suffering from long-term health disorders.

Self-reported chronic rhinosinusitis diagnoses and symptoms in World Trade Center-exposed and non-World Trade Center-exposed United States firefighters

Higher CRS diagnosis prevalence in the WTC-exposed cohort could be a result of exposure to irritants present at the WTC site.

World Trade Center attack responders may have higher risk of early-onset dementia

Workers and volunteers who were exposed to dust and debris have a higher risk of early-onset dementia than those who worked in low dust conditions or who consistently used personal protective equipment.