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911 Health Watch Inc. Goes to Court Seeking the Records as to What the Administration of then New York City Mayor Giuliani Knew About the Toxins at Ground Zero and When Did They Know It?

911 Health Watch Inc. announced it has filed an “Article 78” lawsuit in New York State Supreme Court to challenge the response by the New York City Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) and the New York City Office of Emergency Management (OEM) to our Freedom of Information Request filed on September 8, 2023.

Stony Brook University 9/11 study: Dementia spike among Ground Zero responders

First responders at Ground Zero show a far higher rate of dementia than the general population and are a reminder of the “devastating consequences” from working at the pile, according to a new study.

Study Shows Increased Rates of Dementia in 9/11 Responders with More Exposure to Toxins

A new study that evaluates more than 5,000 WTC responders indicates that those who had more exposures to WTC-related toxins have dementia at a higher rate than other responders.

MD Anderson accused of cutting off sick 9/11 responders

The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center is disrupting care for three dozen patients sickened while responding to the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attack over a payment dispute, the advocacy organization 911 Health Watch alleges.

Incidence of Dementia Before Age 65 Years Among World Trade Center Attack Responders

In this cohort study including 5010 World Trade Center general responders aged a median of 53 years, the incidence of dementia before age 65 was higher in responders who were more severely exposed.

9/11 first responders with severe debris exposure have higher risk of dementia, study finds

Researchers at Stony Brook University in New York found severe exposure to building debris was significantly associated with a higher risk of dementia before age 65.

Rudy Giuliani’s lawyer says former NYC mayor may have a lung disease related to 9/11

Attorneys Gary C. Fischoff and Joan A. Keely, acting on behalf of Giuliani, alleged in a 17-page court filing that the politician’s potential condition could limit his ‘future health’ and ‘future earning capacity’.

Former Utica Fire Chief Russell Brooks dies at age 75; responded to Ground Zero after 9/11

The city went on to say Brooks dedicated his career to the residents of Utica and put his life into making the Utica Fire Department the best in the country.

FDNY Leadership visits new September 11th exhibit on the anniversary of the end to rescue efforts at Ground Zero

Fire Commissioner Laura Kavanagh and other FDNY officials visited the 9/11 Memorial & Museum on Thursday, May 30, 2024, to view a new exhibit.

Westchester officials, loved ones commemorate 9/11 first responders lost to illness

Members of Westchester County’s First Responders 9/11 Health-Related Illnesses Committee and other county officials came together on the solemn anniversary.