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PTSD and lower respiratory symptoms: A systematic review of longitudinal associations in early 9/11 World Trade Center responders
The data demonstrate that there are significant associations between PTSD and LRS among 9/11 early responders.
Mike Johnson’s 9/11 moment: The House speaker comes through for the World Trade Center Health Program
He found a way to fill in part of the shortfall in the CDC’s WTC Health Program that provides medical care for the responders and survivors who still suffer from the toxic fallout from the WTC’s destruction.
Feds fix loophole preventing soldiers from getting 9/11 healthcare
Additions to the National Defense Authorization Act will now allow soldiers and sailors who helped sift through the rubble at the Pentagon and Shanksville, PA to enroll in the WTC Health Program.
World Trade Center Health Program gets $676 million in final defense bill
The annual defense bill released late Wednesday authorizes $676 million for the WTC Health Program to extend services to those who responded on 9/11 at the Pentagon and in Shanksville, Pennsylvania.
Statement on the Inclusion of the Gillibrand/Braun Amendment in the National Defense Authorization That Will Ensure That All 9/11 Responders to the Pentagon and Shanksville, Including Former Active Duty Soldiers and Sailors, Will Be Able to Enroll in the WTC Health Program and Will Also Help to Close the Long Term Impending Funding Shortfall Threatening the Program
Today the Leadership of the House and the Senate announced agreement on a final version of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) that will be put before both Houses of Congress.
Garbarino, Gillibrand Secure Funding For 9/11 Health Care in Annual Defense Package
This legislation will provide $444 million to address the WTCHP funding gap and $232 million to extend coverage for military and civilian 9/11 responders at the Pentagon and Shanksville, PA.
Retired New York State Police sergeant dies of illness tied to 9/11 response
Technical Sgt. Christopher P. Rock joined state police in 1987 and served for 26 years before his retirement in September 2013.
FDNY chaplain who consoled firefighters after 9/11 dies of cancer tied to aftermath at Ground Zero
Monsignor John Delendick was remembered as a “spiritual constant and staple” in the FDNY during his 28 years of service, Commissioner Laura Kavanagh said in a statement Thursday.
Sept. 11 Victim Compensation Fund officials visit Flight 93 memorial, meet with community
Turkel and other federal officials laid a wreath at the memorial wall following their tour.
Flight 93 site responders may be eligible for 9/11 compensation funds, program supervisor says
People from an estimated 70 agencies, particularly those who suffered illness or injury in the 22 years since, may be eligible for health benefits or compensation through the fund.