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‘This is our final stand.’ 9/11 first responders advocate for WTC Health Program funding

Two 9/11 first responders from Long Island are heading to Washington, D.C. to fight for more funding for the World Trade Center Health Program.

He waited years. Now, his wife’s 9/11 Victim’s Compensation Fund claim deemed eligible for approval

A long journey for closure reached a pivotal step for Alonzo “Lonny” Shockley this week.

Calls for NYC to release information on air quality after 9/11 attacks

Lawmakers have tried and failed before to get these records released starting with the Giuliani administration again with De Blasio’s and now with Mayor Adams.

Reps. Nadler and Goldman call on NYC Mayor Eric Adams to release Giuliani Administration Records on the City’s Knowledge of the Scope of the Health Threats to 9/11 Responders and Survivors

Representatives Jerrold Nadler and Dan Goldman wrote to Mayor Eric Adams calling for the city to finally release any documents related to 9/11 from September 11, 2001 through the spring of 2002.

New Study Seeks to Better Understand Prolonged Grief Disorder in 9/11 Survivors

Data suggest approximately 15% of those bereaved on 9/11 continue to endorse symptoms consistent with PGD, PTSD, and depression.

George Santos, who claimed mom survived 9/11, invites ground zero volunteer to SOTU

9/11 has become a point of controversy for Santos as one of several key parts of his biography that have been shown to be false, exaggerated or disputed by other information.

His wife died of uterine cancer after 9/11. A new rule may offer closure to a long journey

Denise Shockley was less than a mile away from the Twin Towers when they were struck on Sept. 11, 2001.

Health company for 9/11 first responders still falling short: advocates

The company that took over the contract to treat thousands of ill 9/11 responders around the country is still failing to do the job, advocates charge in a new letter to the firm’s parent company.

World Trade Center Health Program best practices for diagnosing and treating chronic rhinosinusitis

The most frequent adverse physical health effect among World Trade Center Health Program (WTCHP) members is chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS).

World Trade Center Health Program adds uterine cancer to list of 9/11-related illnesses

This means women who lived, worked or were first responders near Ground Zero can apply for medical coverage and financial compensation.