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Post-traumatic stress disorder and risk of first-time and repeated opioid-related hospitalizations among World Trade Center Health Registry enrollees

Improved treatment of and increased screenings for PTSD may reduce the likelihood of opioid misuse in this population and consequently overdoses, hospitalizations, and healthcare costs.

New State Law Addresses Informing Benefits for 9/11’s Forgotten Victims

The legislation will expand participation in programs devoted to compensation and health care for those living and working in the area of the 9/11 attacks.

352 names added to memorial at 9/11 Responders Remembered Memorial Park

The memorial wall, which has nearly 2,500 already etched, bears the names of both uniformed first responders and those who worked or volunteered at ground zero.

On The Heels Of 9/11, Gillibrand, Schumer, Garbarino, Braun, Nadler, D’esposito, Goldman Champion Bipartisan Push To Include Senate-Passed Amendment To Help Close World Trade Center Health Program Funding Gap In Final NDAA

Eight years since Congress reauthorized the program, it is estimated that the funding formula will not be able to keep pace with the anticipated costs of providing the program’s services for 9/11 heroes.

World Trade Center Health Program faces major funding shortfall, needs roughly $2 billion, politicians say

Elected officials paint a bleak picture for the program, which provides medical treatment and monitoring for 124,000 Americans still suffering from the health effects of the nation’s worst terror attack.

SBU study reveals WTC 9/11 responders continue to need monitoring of PTSD, cognitive status

A compilation of new research published over the past year suggests the need to delve further into investigating the brain status of responders and their cognitive problems.

Man Beats Rare Cancer After Toxic Exposure on 9/11: I Could’ve ‘Given Up, but That’s Just Not Who I Am’

Nine years after being exposed to toxins on 9/11, Gerard Vanderberg was diagnosed with multiple myeloma, a cancer of the blood plasma cells.

Fund the 9/11 Responder and Survivor Health Funding Correction Act of 2023

additional funding is needed because the WTCHP has seen a significant increase in enrollment of late, in part because cancers take time to develop and be diagnosed.

9/11 related diseases daily concern for first responders 22 years later

According to the CDC, more than 17,000 World Trade Center first responders have been diagnosed with cancer. 1,650 of them have died from the disease.

The World Trade Center Health Registry Marks 20 Years of 9/11 Research

The Registry was created to understand the short- and long-term health effects and gaps in care among exposed people.