Thomas Hart

Thomas Hart currently holds the position of President for IUOE Local 94. He has been a member of Local 94 since June of 1986.
Tom started out as an Operating Engineer; he has also held the position of Chief Engineer. In April 1995 Tom was appointed to the position of Business Agent for his local. Tom has also held the position of Recording Corresponding Secretary and Health & Safety Officer for his Local.
Tom has worked tirelessly since the attacks on the World Trade Center on 9/11. He not only worked on the pile, but also coordinated efforts with the American Red Cross and the Salvation Army.
He served as the Chairman of the Workers Advisory Committee for Mt. Sinai.
During his efforts for the responders to 9/11, he lobbied several times in Washington, DC to help fight for their rights to proper health care.
Today, Tom remains committed to insuring that his members and the responders of 9/11 are not forgotten.