Suzy Ballantyne

Suzy is the Deputy Executive Director of 911 Health Watch. Most recently, she served as Chief of Staff to New York State Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins and the New York State Senate Democratic Conference.
Formerly she was employed for 28 years at the New York State AFL-CIO as Director of Governmental Affairs, her responsibilities include organizing grassroots lobbying of state and federal issues of concern to working men and woman. She has coordinated labor operations for hundreds of political campaigns. She also served in 2003-4 as the Executive Director of Voices for Working Families, a AFL-CIO affiliated 527 for the 2004 Election Cycle. As a graduate of the University of Wisconsin at Madison, she began her career at the National Association of Letter Carriers where she served as a legislative liaison.
Since the towers fell, Suzy has spearheaded the September 11th Federal health response for workers who were at the World Trade Center Disaster. She assisted in coordinating New York’s original successful request to the Federal Government of $21.5 Billion. Over the past nineteen years, she has continued to coordinate with the city, state, and federal officials a strategy to assist in developing the long-term legislative strategy to compensate and provide health care and compensation for the workers of 9/11.
She currently lives in Dunedin, Florida.