115th Congress

House of Representatives

DistrictFirst NameLast NamePartyVote (491) 2010Vote (550) 2010Vote (664) 2010Sponsor HR1786 in 2015
Alabama-1BradleyByrneRNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressNot a Sponsor
Alabama-2MarthaRobyRNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressNot a Sponsor
Alabama-3Mike D.RogersRNayNayYeaNot a Sponsor
Alabama-4RobertAderholtRNayNayYeaNot a Sponsor
Alabama-5MoBrooksRNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressNot a Sponsor
Alabama-6GaryPalmerRNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressNot a Sponsor
Alabama-7TerriSewellDNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressSponsor
Alaska At LargeDonYoungRYeaNayNot VotingSponsor
Arizona-01TomO'HalleranDNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in Congress
Arizona-02MarthaMcSallyRNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressSponsor
Arizona-03RaulGrijalvaDNot VotingYeaYeaSponsor
Arizona-04PaulGosarRNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressNot a Sponsor
Arizona-05AndyBiggsRNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in Congress
Arizona-06DavidSchweikertRNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressNot a Sponsor
Arizona-07RubenGallegoDNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressSponsor
Arizona-08TrentFranksRNayNayNayNot a Sponsor
Arizona-09KyrstenSinemaDNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressSponsor
Arkansas-1RickCrawfordRNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressNot a Sponsor
Arkansas-2FrenchHillRNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressSponsor
Arkansas-3SteveWomackRNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressNot a Sponsor
Arkansas-4BruceWestermanRNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressNot a Sponsor
California-01DougLaMalfaRNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressNot a Sponsor
California-02JaredHuffmanDNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressSponsor
California-03JohnGaramendiDYeaYeaNot VotingSponsor
California-04TomMcClintockRNayNayNayNot a Sponsor
California-07AmiBeraDNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressSponsor
California-08PaulCookRNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressSponsor
California-10JeffDenhamRNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressSponsor
California-11MarkDeSaulnierDNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressSponsor
California-12NancyPelosiDNot VotingYeaYeaSponsor
California-13BarbaraLeeDYeaYeaNot VotingSponsor
California-14JackieSpeierDYeaYeaNot VotingSponsor
California-15EricSwalwellDNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressSponsor
California-17KhannaRoDNot in CongressNot in CongressNot VotingNot in Congress
California-19ZoeLofgrenDYeaYeaNot VotingSponsor
California-20JimmyPanettaDNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in Congress
California-21DavidValadaoRNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressSponsor
California-22DevinNunesRNayNayNot VotingNot a Sponsor
California-23KevinMcCarthyRNot VotingNayNot VotingNot a Sponsor
California-24SaludCarbajalDNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in Congress
California-25SteveKnightRNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressSponsor
California-26JuliaBrownleyDNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressSponsor
California-27JudyChuDYeaYeaNot VotingSponsor
California-29TonyCardenasDNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressSponsor
California-31PeteAguilarRNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressSponsor
California-33TodLiceDNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressSponsor
California-34VacantVacantDNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in Congress
California-35NormaTorresDNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressSponsor
California-36RaulRuizDNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressSponsor
California-37KarenBassDNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressSponsor
California-38LindaSanchezDYeaYeaNot VotingSponsor
California-39EdRoyceRNayNayNayNot a Sponsor
California-41MarkTakanoDNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressSponsor
California-42KenCalvertRNayNayNot VotingNot a Sponsor
California-43MaxineWatersDYeaYeaNot VotingSponsor
California-44NanetteBarraganDNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in Congress
California-45MimiWaltersRNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressSponsor
California-46LouCorreaDNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in Congress
California-47AlanLowenthalDNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressSponsor
California-48DanaRohrabacherRNayNayNot VotingNot a Sponsor
California-49DarrellIssaRNayNayNot VotingNot a Sponsor
California-50Duncan D.HunterRNayNayNot VotingSponsor
California-51JuanVargasDNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressSponsor
California-52ScottPetersDNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressSponsor
Colorado-3ScottTiptonRNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressNot a Sponsor
Colorado-4KenBuckRNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressNot a Sponsor
Colorado-5DougLambornRNayNayNot VotingNot a Sponsor
Colorado-6MikeCoffmanRNayNayNayNot a Sponsor
Colorado-7EdPerlmutterDYeaYeaNot VotingSponsor
Connecticut-5ElizabethEstyDNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressSponsor
Delaware At LargeLisa BluntRochesterDNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in Congress
Florida-01MattGaetzRNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in Congress
Florida-02NealDunnRNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in Congress
Florida-03TedYohoRNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressNot a Sponsor
Florida-04JohnRutherfordRNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in Congress
Florida-05AlLawsonDNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in Congress
Florida-06RonDeSantisRNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressNot a Sponsor
Florida-07StephanieMurphyDNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in Congress
Florida-08BillPoseyRNayNayNayNot a Sponsor
Florida-09DarrenSotoDNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in Congress
Florida-10ValDemingsDNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in Congress
Florida-11DanielWebsterRNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressNot a Sponsor
Florida-13CharlieCristDNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in Congress
Florida-15DennisRossRNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressSponsor
Florida-16VernBuchananRNayNayNot VotingNot a Sponsor
Florida-18BrianMastRNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in Congress
Florida-19FrancisRooneyRNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in Congress
Florida-21LoisFrankelDNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressSponsor
Florida-22TedDeutchDYeaYeaNot VotingSponsor
Florida-24FredericaWilsonDNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressSponsor
Florida-25MarioDiaz-BalartRNayNayNayNot a Sponsor
Florida-26CarolosCurbeloRNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressSponsor
Florida-27IleanaRos-LehtinenRNayNayNot VotingSponsor
Georgia-01BuddyCarterRNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressNot a Sponsor
Georgia-03DrewFergusonRNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in Congress
Georgia-06TomPriceRNayNayNot VotingNot a Sponsor
Georgia-07RobWoodallRNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressNot a Sponsor
Georgia-08AustinScottRNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressNot a Sponsor
Georgia-09DougCollinsRNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressNot a Sponsor
Georgia-10JodyHiceRNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressNot a Sponsor
Georgia-11BarryLoudermilkRNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressNot a Sponsor
Georgia-12RickAllenRNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressNot a Sponsor
Georgia-14TomGravesRNayNayNayNot a Sponsor
Hawaii-1ColleenHanabusaDNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in Congress
Hawaii-2TulsiGabbardDNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressSponsor
Idaho-1RaulLabradorRNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressSponsor
Idaho-2MikeSimpsonRNayNayNot VotingNot a Sponsor
Illinois-01BobbyRushDYeaYeaNot VotingNot a Sponsor
Illinois-02RobinKellyDNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressNot a Sponsor
Illinois-03DanLipinskiDYeaYeaNot VotingSponsor
Illinois-04LuisDYeaYeaNot VotingSponsor
Illinois-06PeterRoskamRNayNayNot VotingNot a Sponsor
Illinois-07DannyDavisDYeaYeaNot VotingSponsor
Illinois-08RajaKrishnamoorthiDNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in Congress
Illinois-10BradSchneiderDNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in Congress
Illinois-11BillFosterDNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressSponsor
Illinois-12MikeBostRNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressSponsor
Illinois-13RodneyDavisRNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressSponsor
Illinois-14RandyHultgrenRNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressSponsor
Illinois-15JohnShimkusRNayNayNot VotingNot a Sponsor
Illinois-16AdamKinzingerRNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressSponsor
Illinois-17CheriBustosDNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressSponsor
Illinois-18DarinLaHoodRNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressSponsor
Indiana-02JackieWalorskiRNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressSponsor
Indiana-03JimBanksRNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in Congress
Indiana-04ToddRokitaRNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressSponsor
Indiana-05SusanBrooksRNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressSponsor
Indiana-06LukeMesserRNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressNot a Sponsor
Indiana-08LarryBucshonRNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressSponsor
Indiana-09Trey Hollingsworth RNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in Congress
Iowa-1RodBlumRNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressNot a Sponsor
Iowa-3DavidYoungRNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressNot a Sponsor
Iowa-4SteveKingRNayNayNayNot a Sponsor
Kansas-1RogerMarshallRNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in Congress
Kansas-2LynnJenkinsRNayNayNayNot a Sponsor
Kansas-3KevinYoderRNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressNot a Sponsor
Kansas-4MikePompeoRNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressNot a Sponsor
Kentucky-1JamesComerRNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in Congress
Kentucky-2BrettGuthrieRNot VotingNayNayNot a Sponsor
Kentucky-4ThomasMassieRNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressNot a Sponsor
Kentucky-5HalRogersRNayNayNayNot a Sponsor
Kentucky-6AndyBarrRNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressNot a Sponsor
Louisiana-01SteveScaliseRNayNayNayNot a Sponsor
Louisiana-02CedricRichmondDNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressSponsor
Louisiana-03ClayHigginsRNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in Congress
Louisiana-04MikeJohnsonRNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in Congress
Louisiana-05RalphAbrahamRNot in CongeessNot in CongressNot in CongressNot a Sponsor
Louisiana-06GarrettGravesRNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressNot a Sponsor
Maine-2BrucePoliquinRNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressNot a Sponsor
Maryland-1AndrewHarrisRNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressSponsor
Maryland-4AnthonyBrownDNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in Congress
Maryland-6JohnDelaneyDNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressSponsor
Maryland-8JamieRaskinDNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in Congress
Massachusetts-01RichardNealDYeaYeaNot VotingSponsor
Massachusetts-04JoeKennedyDNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressSponsor
Massachusetts-05KatherineClarkDNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressSponsor
Massachusetts-06SethMoultonDNot in CongeessNot in CongressNot in CongressSponsor
Massachusetts-09WilliamKeatingDNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressSponsor
Michigan-01JackBergmanRNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in Congress
Michigan-02BillHuizengaRNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressNot a Sponsor
Michigan-03JustinAmashRNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressNot a Sponsor
Michigan-04JohnMoolenaarRNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressNot a Sponsor
Michigan-06FredUptonRNayNayNayNot a Sponsor
Michigan-07TimWalbergRNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressNot a Sponsor
Michigan-08MikeBishopRNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressSponsor
Michigan-10PaulMitchellRNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in Congress
Michigan-11DaveTroutRNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressNot a Sponsor
Michigan-12DeborahDingellDNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressSponsor
Michigan-13JohnConyersDNot VotingYeaYeaSponsor
Michigan-14BrendaLawrenceDNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressSponsor
Minnesota-2Jason Lewis RNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in Congress
Minnesota-6TomEmmerDNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressSponsor
Minnesota-7CollinPetersonDYeaYeaNot VotingSponsor
Minnesota-8RickNolanDNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressSponsor
Mississippi-01TrentKellyRNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressNot a Sponsor
Mississippi-03GreggHarperRNayNayNot VotingNot a Sponsor
Mississippi-04StevenPalazzoRNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressNot a Sponsor
Missouri-01William LacyClayDNot VotingYeaNot VotingSponsor
Missouri-02AnnWagnerRNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressSponsor
Missouri-03BlaineLuetkemeyerRNayNayNot VotingSponsor
Missouri-04VickyHartzlerRNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressNot a Sponsor
Missouri-06SamGravesRNayNayNot VotingSponsor
Missouri-07BillyLongRNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressNot a Sponsor
Missouri-08JasonSmithRNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressNot a Sponsor
Montana At LargeRyanZinkeRNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressNot a Sponsor
Nebraska-2DonBaconRNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in Congress
Nebraska-3Adrian M.SmithRNayNayNayNot a Sponsor
Nevada-1DinaTitusDNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressSponsor
Nevada-2MarkAmodeiRNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressSponsor
Nevada-3JackyRosenDNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in Congress
Nevada-4RubenKihuenDNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in Congress
New Hampshire-1CarolShea-PorterDYeaYeaYeaNot in Congress
New Hampshire-2AnnKusterDNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressSponsor
New Jersey -01DonaldNorcorssDNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressSponsor
New Jersey -02FrankLoBiondoRYeaYeaYeaSponsor
New Jersey -03TomMacArthurRNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressSponsor
New Jersey -04ChristopherSmithRYeaYeaYeaSponsor
New Jersey -05JoshGottheimerDNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in Congress
New Jersey -06FrankPalloneDYeaYeaYeaSponsor
New Jersey-07LeonardLanceRYeaYeaYeaSponsor
New Jersey-08AlbioSiresDYeaYeaYeaSponsor
New Jersey-09BillPascrellDYeaYeaYeaSponsor
New Jersey-10DonaldPayne Jr.DNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressSponsor
New Jersey-11RodneyFrelinghuysenRYeaYeaYeaSponsor
New Jersey-12BonnieWatson ColemanDNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressSponsor
New Mexico-1MichelleLujan GrishamDNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressSponsor
New Mexico-2StevePearceRNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressNot a Sponsor
New Mexico-3Ben RayLujanDYeaYeaYeaSponsor
New York-01LeeZeldinRNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressSponsor
New York-02PeterKingRYeaYeaYeaSponsor
New York-03ThomasSuozziDNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in Congress
New York-04KathleenRiceDNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressSponsor
New York-05GregoryMeeksDYeaYeaYeaSponsor
New York-06GraceMengDNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressSponsor
New York-07NydiaVelazquezDYeaYeaYeaSponsor
New York-08HakeemJeffriesDNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressSponsor
New York-09YvetteClarkeDYeaYeaYeaSponsor
New York-10JerroldNadlerDYeaYeaYeaSponsor
New York-11Dan DonovanRNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressSponsor
New York-12CarolynMaloneyDYeaYeaYeaSponsor
New York-13Adriano Espaillat DNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in Congress
New York-14JoeCrowleyDYeaYeaYeaSponsor
New York-15JoseSerranoDYeaYeaYeaSponsor
New York-16EliotEngelDYeaYeaYeaSponsor
New York-17NitaLoweyDYeaYeaYeaSponsor
New York-18SeanMaloneyDNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressSponsor
New York-19John Faso DNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in Congress
New York-20PaulTonkoDYeaYeaYeaSponsor
New York-21EliseStefanikRNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressSponsor
New York-22ClaudiaTenneyRNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in Congress
New York-23TomReedRNot in CongressNot in CongressYeaSponsor
New York-24JohnKatkoRNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressSponsor
New York-25LouiseSlaughterDYeaYeaYeaSponsor
New York-26BrianHigginsDYeaYeaYeaSponsor
New York-27ChrisCollinsRNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressSponsor
North Carolina-01G. K.ButterfieldDYeaYeaYeaSponsor
North Carolina-02GeorgeHoldingRNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in Congress
North Carolina-03WalterJonesRYeaYeaNot VotingNot a Sponsor
North Carolina-04DavidPriceDYeaYeaYeaSponsor
North Carolina-05VirginiaFoxxRNayNayNayNot a Sponsor
North Carolina-06MarkWalkerRNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressNot a Sponsor
North Carolina-07DavidRouzerNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressNot a Sponsor
North Carolina-08RichardHudsonRNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressNot a Sponsor
North Carolina-09RobertPittengerRNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressSponsor
North Carolina-10PatrickMcHenryRNayNayNot VotingNot a Sponsor
North Carolina-11MarkMeadowsRNot in CongressNot in CongressNot VotingNot a Sponsor
North Carolina-12AlmaAdamsDNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressSponsor
North Carolina-13TedBuddRNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in Congress
North Dakota at LargeKevinCramerRNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressNot a Sponsor
Ohio-01SteveChabotRNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressNot a Sponsor
Ohio-02BradWenstrupRNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressNot a Sponsor
Ohio-03JoyceBeattyRNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressSponsor
Ohio-04JimJordanRNayNayNayNot a Sponsor
Ohio-05BobLattaRNayNayNayNot a Sponsor
Ohio-06BillJohnsonRNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressSponsor
Ohio-07BobGibbsRNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressNot a Sponsor
Ohio-08WarrenDavidsonRNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in Congress
Ohio-10MichaelTurnerRNayNayYeaNot a Sponsor
Ohio-11MarciaFudgeDYeaYeaNot VotingSponsor
Ohio-12PatrickTiberiRNayNayNot VotingNot a Sponsor
Ohio-14DavidJoyceRNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressSponsor
Ohio-15SteveStriversRNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressNot a Sponsor
Ohio-16JimRenacciRNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressNot a Sponsor
Oklahoma-01JimBridenstineRNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressNot a Sponsor
Oklahoma-02MarkwayneMullinRNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressNot a Sponsor
Oklahoma-03FrankLucasRNayNayNot VotingSponsor
Oklahoma-05SteveRussellRNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressNot a Sponsor
Oregon-01SuzanneBonamiciDNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressSponsor
Oregon-02GregWaldenRNayNayNayNot a Sponsor
Oregon-03EarlBlumenauerDYeaYeaNot VotingSponsor
Oregon-04PeterDeFazioDYeaYeaNot VotingSponsor
Oregon-05KurtSchraderDYeaYeaNot VotingSponsor
Pennsylvania-01RobertBradyDYeaYeaNot VotingSponsor
Pennsylvania-02DwightEvansDNot in CongessNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in Congress
Pennsylvania-03MikeKellyRNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressSponsor
Pennsylvania-04ScottPerryRNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressNot a Sponsor
Pennsylvania-06RyanCostelloRNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressSponsor
Pennsylvania-07PatMeehanRNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressSponsor
Pennsylvania-08Brian FitzpatrickRNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressNot a Sponsor
Pennsylvania-10TomMarinoRNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressSponsor
Pennsylvania-11LouBarlettaRNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressSponsor
Pennsylvania-12KeithRothfusRNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressSponsor
Pennsylvania-13BrendanBoyleDNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressSponsor
Pennsylvania-16LloydSmuckerRNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in Congress
Pennsylvania-17MattCartwrightDNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressSponsor
Rhode Island-01DavidCicillineDNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressSponsor
Rhode Island-02JamesLangevinDYeaYeaYeaSponsor
South Carolina-01MarkSanfordRNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressNot a Sponsor
South Carolina-02JoeWilsonRNayNayNayNot a Sponsor
South Carolina-03JeffDuncanRNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressNot a Sponsor
South Carolina-04TreyGowdyRNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressNot a Sponsor
South Carolina-05MickMulvaneyRNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressNot a Sponsor
South Carolina-06JimClyburnDYeaYeaYeaSponsor
South Carolina-07TomRiceRNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressNot a Sponsor
South Dakota At LargeKristiNoemRNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressSponsor
Tennessee-01PhilRoeRNayYeaNot VotingNot a Sponsor
Tennessee-02JimmyDuncanRNayNayNot VotingNot a Sponsor
Tennessee-03ChuckFleischmanRNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressNot a Sponsor
Tennessee-04ScottDesJarlesRNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressNot a Sponsor
Tennessee-05JimCooperDNayNayNot VotingSponsor
Tennessee-06DianeBlackRNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressNot a Sponsor
Tennessee-07MarshaBlackburnRNayNayNot VotingNot a Sponsor
Tennessee-08DavidKustoffRNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in Congress
Tennessee-09SteveCohenDYeaYeaNot VotingSponsor
Texas-01LouieGohmertRNayNayNot VotingNot a Sponsor
Texas-02TedPoeRNayNayNot VotingSponsor
Texas-03SamJohnsonRNayNayNot VotingNot a Sponsor
Texas-04JohnRatcliffeRNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressNot a Sponsor
Texas-05JebHensarlingRNayNayNayNot a Sponsor
Texas-06JoeBartonRNayNayNot VotingNot a Sponsor
Texas-07JohnCulbersonRNayNayNot VotingNot a Sponsor
Texas-08KevinBradyRNayNayNayNot a Sponsor
Texas-10MikeMcCaulRNayNayNot VotingSponsor
Texas-11MikeConawayRNayNayNayNot a Sponsor
Texas-12KayGrangerRNayNayNot VotingNot a Sponsor
Texas-13MacThornberryRNayNayNot VotingNot a Sponsor
Texas-14RandyWeberRNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressNot a Sponsor
Texas-15VincenteGonzalezDNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in Congress
Texas-16BetoO'RourkeDNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressSponsor
Texas-17BillFloresRNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressNot a Sponsor
Texas-18SheilaJackson LeeDYeaYeaYeaSponsor
Texas-19JodeyArringtonRNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in Congress
Texas-20JoaquinCastroDNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressSponsor
Texas-21LamarSmithRNayNayNot VotingNot a Sponsor
Texas-22PeteOlsonRNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressNot a Sponsor
Texas-23WillHurdRNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressSponsor
Texas-24KennyMarchantRNayNayNot VotingNot a Sponsor
Texas-25RogerWilliamsRNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressNot a Sponsor
Texas-27BlakeFarentholdRNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressSponsor
Texas-28HenryCuellarDYeaYeaNot VotingSponsor
Texas-29GeneGreenDYeaYeaNot VotingSponsor
Texas-30Eddie BerniceJohnsonDYeaYeaNot VotingSponsor
Texas-31JohnCarterRNayNayNot VotingNot a Sponsor
Texas-32PeteSessionsRNayNayNayNot a Sponsor
Texas-33MarcVeaseyDNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressSponsor
Texas-34FilemonVelaDNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressSPonsor
Texas-35LloydDoggettDYeaYeaNot VotingSponsor
Texas-36BrianBabinRNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressNot a Sponsor
Utah-01RobBishopRNayNayNayNot a Sponsor
Utah-02ChrisStewartRNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressNot a Sponsor
Utah-03JasonChaffetzRNayNayYeaNot a Sponsor
tah-04MiaLoveDNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressNot a Sponsor
Vermont At LargePeterWelchDYeaYeaNot VotingSponsor
Virginia-01RobWittmanRNayNayNayNot a Sponsor
Virginia-02ScottTaylorRNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in Congress
Virginia-04DonaldMcEachinRNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in Congress
Virginia-05ThomasGarrettRNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in Congress
Virginia-06BobGoodlatteRNayNayNayNot a Sponsor
Virginia-07DaveBratRNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressNot a Sponsor
Virginia-08DonBeyerDNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressSponsor
Virginia-09MorganGriffithRNayNayNot VotingNot a Sponsor
Virginia-10BarbaraComstockRNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressSponsor
Washington-01SuzanDelBeneDNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressSponsor
Washington-03JaimeHerrera BeutlerRNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressNot a Sponsor
Washington-04Don NewHouseRNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in Congress
Washington-05CathyMcMorris RodgersRNayNayNot VotingNot a Sponsor
Washington-06DerekKilmerDNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressSponsor
Washington-07Pramila JayapalDNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in Congress
Washington-09AdamSmithDYeaYeaNot VotingSponsor
Washington-10DennisHeckDNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressSponsor
West Virginia-01DavidMcKinleyRNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressSponsor
West Virginia-02AlexMooneyRNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressNot a Sponsor
West Virginia-03EvanJenkinsRNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressSponsor
Wisconsin-01PaulRyanRNayNayNot VotingNot a Sponsor
Wisconsin-02MarkPocanDNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressSponsor
Wisconsin-05JamesSensenbrennerRNayNayNot VotingNot a Sponsor
Wisconsin-06GlenGrothmanRNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressNot a Sponsor
Wisconsin-07SeanDuffyRNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressNot a Sponsor
Wisconsin-08MikeGallagherRNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in Congress
Wyoming At LargeLizCheneyRNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in CongressNot in Congress


StateFirst NameLast NamePartyVote (269) 2010Sponsor of S. 928
AlabamaJeffSessionsRNayNot a Sponsor
AlaskaLisaMurkowskiRInitially voted no but then agreed to support the bill and vote yes.Sponsor
AlaskaDanSullivanRNot in SenateSponsor
ArizonaJeffFlakeRNot in Senate, voted No in HouseSponsor
ArkansasTomCottonRNot in SenateSponsor
ArkansasJohnBoozmanRNot in Senate, voted No in HouseSponsor
CaliforniaKamalaHarrisDNot in CongressNot in Congress
ColoradoCoryGardnerRNot in SenateNot a Sponsor
ConnecticutRichardBlumenthalDNot in SenateSponsor
ConnecticutChrisMurphyDNot in Senate, voted Yes in HouseSponsor
FloridaMarcoRubioRNot in SenateSponsor
GeorgiaJohnnyIsaksonRNayNot a Sponsor
GeorgiaDavidPerdueRNot in SenateNot a Sponsor
HawaiiMazieHironoDNot in Senate, voted Yes in HouseSponsor
HawaiiBradSchatzDNot in SenateSponsor
IdahoMikeCrapoRNayNot a Sponsor
IdahoJamesRischRNayNot a Sponsor
IllinoisTammyDuckworthDNot in SenateSponsor in House
IndianaTodd YoungRNot in SenateNot in Senate
IndianaJoeDonnellyDNot in Senate, voted Yes in HouseSponsor
IowaChuckGrassleyRNayNot a Sponsor
IowaJoniErnstRNot in SenateSponsor
KansasPatRobertsRNayNot a Sponsor
KansasJerryMoranRNot in Senate, voted NO in HouseSponsor
KentuckyMitchMcConnellRNayNot a Sponsor
KentuckyRandPaulRNot in SenateNot a Sponsor
LouisianaJohnKennedyRNot in SenateNot in Senate
LouisianaBillCassidyRNot in Senate, voted No in HouseNot a Sponsor
MassachusettsEdwardMarkeyDNot in Senate, but voted Yes in HouseSponsor
MassachusettsElizabethWarrenDNot in SenateSponsor
MarylandChrisVan HollenDNot in SenateSponsor in House
MaineSusanCollinsRInitially voted no but then agreed to support the bill and vote yes.Sponsor
MaineAngusKingINot in SenateSponsor
MichiganGaryPetersDNot in Senate, voted Yes in HouseSponsor
MissouriRoyBluntRNot in Senate, voted Yes in HouseSponsor
MississippiThadCochranRNayNot a Sponsor
MississippiRogerWickerRNayNot a Sponsor
MontanaSteveDainesRNot in SenateSponsor
North CarolinaRichardBurrRNaySponsor
North CarolinaThomTillisRNot in SenateNot a Sponsor
North DakotaHeidiHeitkampDNot in SenateSponsor
North DakotaJohnHovenRNot in SenateNot a Sponsor
NebraskaDebFischerRNot in SenateSponsor
NebraskaBenSasseRNot in SenateNot a Sponsor
New HampshireMargetHassanDNot in Senate Not in Senate
New HampshireJeanneShaheenDYeaSponsor
New JerseyCoryBookerDNot in SenateSponsor
New JerseyRobertMenendezDYeaSponsor
New MexicoMartinHeinrichDNot in Senate, voted Yes in HouseSponsor
New MexicoTomUdallDYeaSponsor
NevadaDeanHellerRNot in Senate, voted NO in HouseNot a Sponsor
NevadaCatherineCortez MastoDNot in SenateNot in Senate
New YorkKirstenGillibrandDYeaSponsor
New YorkCharlesSchumerDYeaSponsor
OhioRobPortmanRNot in SenateSponsor
OklahomaJamesInhofeRNayNot a Sponsor
OklahomaJamesLankfordRNot in SenateNot a Sponsor
PennsylvaniaPatToomeyRNot in SenateSponsor
Rhode IslandJackReedDYeaSponsor
Rhode IslandSheldonWhitehouseDYeaSponsor
South CarolinaTimScottRNot in SenateSponsor
South CarolinaLindseyGrahamRNayNot a Sponsor
South DakotaMikeRoundsRNot in SenateSponsor
South DakotaJohnThuneRNayNot a Sponsor
TennesseeLamarAlexanderRNayNot a Sponsor
TennesseeBobCorkerRNayNot a Sponsor
TexasJohnCornynRNayNot a Sponsor
TexasTedCruzRNot in SenateNot a Sponsor
UtahMikeLeeRNot in SenateNot a Sponsor
UtahOrrinHatchRNayNot a Sponsor
VirginiaTimKaineDNot in SenateSponsor
WisconsinTammyBaldwinDNot in Senate, voted Yes in HouseSponsor
WisconsinRonJohnsonRNot in SenateNot a Sponsor
West VirginiaJoeManchinDYeaSponsor
West VirginiaShellyMoore CapitoRYeaSponsor
WyomingJohnBarrassoRNayNot a Sponsor
WyomingMichaelEnziRNayNot a Sponsor

Last updated: January 24, 2017