911 Health Watch Inc. Applauds Councilmember Brewer Effort to have DOI Investigate What the Administration of then New York City Mayor Giuliani Knew About the Toxins at Ground Zero and When Did They Know It?

Today, New York City Council Member Gale Brewer introduced in the City Council a binding resolution, Reso. 560, which if passed would require the City Department of Investigation to obtain and review all documents that city government has about the environmental toxins after the attacks, and how that knowledge reverberated in the years afterwards. DOI would be required to complete the report no later than two years after the adoption of the resolution.

This would be the first time that the NYC Council has invoked its authority granted by the City Charter (Section 803) to order DOI to conduct an investigation on topics the Council specifies. 

“Thank you to Council Member Brewer for taking on this challenge of finding out what Mayor’s office doesn’t appear to want the public to see about what the City of New York knew about the dangers of the toxins from 9/11 in the aftermath of the attack,” said Benjamin Chevat, Executive Director of 911 Health Watch. “Fighting City Hall to get the city to even admit that records exist has been a struggle, but now that we have you on our side, I expect we will get answers.”

Despite requests from then Member of Congress Carolyn Maloney and current Members of Congress Jerry Nadler and Dan Goldman, Freedom of Information Requests from 911 Health Watch and 911 Health Watch Article 78 lawsuit, to force the city to release documents the Adam’s administration has refused to release relating to what the Administration of then Mayor Giuliani knew about the dangers of the toxins in and around Ground Zero in the days, weeks, months after the attacks and when did they know it.

You can find more information regarding 911 Health Watch’s ongoing efforts on this issue on the 911 Health Watch web page here.

Here is Council Member Brewer’s Press Release.