Take Action
You know it took way too long to get Washington to act to pass the 9-11 Health and Compensation law.
Given how long Washington dragged its feet, we cannot wait until the law is up for renewal in a few years to make sure Congress remains committed to the Heroes of 911 and those affected by the toxins. Remembering 911 should be more than a bumper sticker.
That is why we are asking you to reach out and call your Congressional Representative and your Senators and tell them why the 9-11 Health and Compensation law is so important to you.
Let’s not wait to tell them how 9/11 affected you or your loved ones.
After putting in your zip code you will see how your Congress person voted if they were in Congress in 2010.
If they voted yes, tell them thank you and let them know how important the 9-11 Health and Compensation Program is to you; if they voted no, tell them you are sorry they voted no, but wanted them to know how important this program is to you and that you hope that they will reconsider their position. If they were not in Congress in 2010, tell them how important this program is to you and you hope that they will support it when it comes up for renewal.
Once you’ve made your calls, tell us what they said.